Chapter 117-119

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The moment the news that Li Qiong wasn’t going to participate on the show, all the companies with celebrities wanted to grab a seat for their own artists. 

Those who had bad relations with Tang Jin were excluded as well as those who behaved improperly and had anti-fans…

In the end, there was only one suitable candidate. 

Mai Ruxiang. 

Mai Ruxiang was pretty, but she wasn’t that beautiful. But if someone was to call her ugly, that was an exaggeration. 

In simple words, she was an ordinary person in terms of all the female celebrities. She had a normal and unremarkable personality as well. 

No matter in terms of her personality or appearance, Mai Ruxiang wasn’t that remarkable. Gu Yachen and Ding Ruoyi were both extremely beautiful, suppressing Mai Ruxiang’s beauty. 

Therefore, Mai Ruxiang still wasn’t popular enough despite mingling in the entertainment industry for about six years. 

To Mai Ruxiang, it was like an opportunity fallen from heaven when she was able to attend the same reality show as these popular celebrities. 

Under everyone’s attention, the recording for the second stop to 《Vacation Time》finally began. 

With the past experience, the fans all heard about the news and started to surround the guests participating in this reality show at the airport. 

By the time Ye Fan’s car arrived at the airport, she received the enthusiastic welcomes of her fans.

Like the last recording, Ye Fan had dressed up simply. 

She wore a white T-shirt and jeans, making her look refreshed and beautiful. 

Because she needed to record the reality show, Ye Fan and the fans greeted each other. She didn’t stop for that long before she entered the airport. 

Who knew that about fifteen minutes later, a black car slowly drove in. 

The car stopped and this time. He Han had got out of the car. 

He Han wore a black T-shirt and jeans. 

Maybe it was because due to the fact they were going on vacation, he wore simple clothes as well. 

However, everyone was clear about something. He was the definition of fashion. 

However, Ye Fan and He Han had both appeared together, attracting the attention of their CP fans. 

They were able to observe the truth that others normally wouldn’t be able. 

No matter they were wearing a white or black T-shirt, the CP fans all thought they were wearing couples’ clothes! 

The two of them actually entered the airport one after the other. It was hard for others to not overthink about it. Was this a coincidence or was this done purposely?

Therefore, He Han and Ye Fan’s pictures were quickly uploaded to the internet. 

When the two people’s pictures were put together, it had been forwarded tens of thousands of times in a short period of time. 

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