Chapter 114-116

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As Dudu walked ahead, he murmured, “Dragonfly, dragonfly.” 

“Dragonfly, dragonfly.”

Unfortunately, as Dudu was walking over, he didn’t see a single dragonfly. 

Either the dragonfly flew by too quickly and Dudu didn’t see or that it had flown over Dudu’s head. Dudu didn’t have eyes behind his head, so he naturally didn’t see it.

“Dragonfly, dragonfly, where are you? Stop playing hide-and-seek with Dudu.”

Dudu cupped his chin and said in an unhappy and childish voice. 

He softened his voice, afraid of scaring the dragonflies away. 

“Dragonfly, dragonfly, come play with Dudu.”

Dudu searched around and blinked his eyes, his eyelashes blinking. 

Aunt He who followed behind Dudu laughed out loud. This child was too cute. 

He was unlike the children of his age, always crying and making a fuss. 

Dudu was able to play by himself the entire day if they let him. 

Aunt He paid close attention to Dudu. He was such a small and delicate child. She was really scared that he might trip or stumble while walking, bumping into something. 

Dudu walked around the garden and he only saw one dragonfly. 

But before he could take a closer look, the dragonfly had long flown away. 

Even so, Dudu wasn’t unhappy. He started walking around from the other side of the garden. 

Dudu returned back to the house following the same path. 

There was sweat on his forehead and his face was flushed, but his eyes were bright. 

Aunt He was scared that Dudu might get a cold since he was sweating and the wind was also blowing. Therefore, she kneeled down and wiped Dudu’s sweat. 

Dudu was very well-behaved, so he stood there unmoving. 

He even politely thanked Aunt He, saying, “Thank you Nanny He.”

His mama taught him that he needed to say thanks when someone helped him. 

Aunt He laughed happily and replied, “Dudu is a good boy.”

Dudu was smiling at Aunt He when a man suddenly walked in the door. 

Dudu widened his eyes and pointed his small fingers at the man. 

“Why is uncle here?”

At the same time Dudu saw He Han, the latter also noticed him. When did a cute child appear here?

Dudu stared unbelievably at He Han, and his expression made He Han chuckle. 

He Han didn’t enter the room and instead, walked straight towards Dudu. 

(1) Daily Life of a Villain's MotherOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz