C10 Where's My Kiss?

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The game was over and everyone was celebrating the 3-2 victory for Barcelona.

I was a proud sister today because my brother scored. It was such a good experience seeing Leo score in person.

He was walking towards us. Anna quickly got up with Thiago and gave Leo a hug and a kiss.

"You did decent Leo. Not bad." She said teasingly.

"Oh did I now?" He teasingly said back and started tickling her.

He stopped when he realized she was holding Thiago.

I got up with Davi and gave my brother a hug.

"You did well Leo." I said softly.

"Obviously I did. You were here." He said smiling.

"Kiss up." Anna whispered in my ear.

"You know what? Abby can Thiago stay with you tonight my fiancée needs to learn a few things about not teasing her fiancé." He said teasingly but seriously at the same time.

"Ew gross guys. Too much information! Both the kids are here Leo, you're gross. And if Thiago staying with me will calm your adolescent hormones down, I'm happy to accept." I said happily but grossed out.

Leo and Anna just smirked at each other. Gross, they're probably thinking dirty things.

"Papai!" Davi yelled from my arms. He put his hands out indicating for Neymar to take him.

Neymar came over and took him from me. I looked at them very hesitantly. A part of me finds it completely adorable to see Davi and Neymar bond, but then I remember what he did to me and all that disappears.

"Davi come on baby, it's time to go home. We need to get food into your stomach and Thiago will be staying with us today." I said smiling.

"Really!?" He asked.

"Yes darling." I said putting my hands out for him.

He jumped into my arms and put his arms around my neck.

"Papai, you come to dinner with us?" He asked Neymar. Daviwhy?

I frowned.

"I don't-" He started.

"Yes Davi, papai is going to be there." Leo said.

I shot him a glare. I mouthed whatthehell? to him. Seriously Leo.

"Yay!" Davi cheered.

"Abby, what's your address-" Neymar started.

"Ask Leo since he is the one that invited you." I said harshly and then walked out with both boys in my arms.

This was harder than it looked carrying 2 boys. But nonetheless, the constant working out made it possible.

I walked to my car, of course with the generous help of security.

I strapped Davi in his car seat in the back seat.. Anna came over and gave me Thiago's car seat. I put it in and strapped him in, in the back seat. I closed the door and turned to Anna.

"Look, about what your brother did-" She started.

"Please Anna, he doesn't realize that I don't want to hear or see that annoying and lying man ever again. But now because of him I will be forced to spend an evening with him where I have to act nice because I don't want the kids to get influenced!" I ranted. "To make it even better, my own son likes his father more than me." I was tearing up. "And now, I feel like once they're off to bed he will try to talk to me about the last 3 years which I really don't want. So yeah that's all because Leo invited him to a dinner Leo isn't even attending!"

She pulled me in for a hug and rubbed my back up and down.

"I need to go. Got to cook dinner, you know. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Bye." I said walking to the drivers seat.

I turned the car on and started driving back to my house.

What an evening.

After I'd made it to my house I took the two boys upstairs and gave them a bath.

I made Thiago wear one of Davi's pajamas because he had no clothes here. Anna gave me was his favorite blanket and his teddy bear. She did give me clothes but they were day clothes and I wanted to put these boys to sleep so I just decided to make him wear Davi's pajamas.

Davi wore his cars ones and I gave Thiago another pair which were also cars.

After that, I set the 2 boys in my room while I took a shower. To occupy their time I put on a movie for them.

Deciding the movie was the hard part. Davi wanted to watch Frozen but Thiago wanted to watch Cars.

"Alright boys you can't keep fighting. I have an idea." I said crossing my arms over my chest.

Both of them looked at me curiously.

"I'm going to think of a number between 1 and 5. You both have to guess what it is and the person who is closest gets to choose the movie, alright?" I asked.

They nodded.

"Okay guess." I said. I picked 3.

"5!" Davi said.

"2!" Thiago said.

"The number was 3! I guess we are watching Cars." I said putting the movie on.

"Alright I'm going for a shower. No funny business." I said pointing at them.

I went to my closet and picked out a white loose tank and red tribal printed loose shorts. I also got my undergarments and walked to the bathroom.

I took a quick shower and got out dressed. I went to the vanity and grabbed a black clip. I grabbed the sides of my hair and pulled it back with the clip into a half ponytail.

I went to the boys and said, "Are you boys going to stay here, or are you going to help with dinner, or watch TV downstairs?"

They both looked at each other and said, "Here!"

I laughed. "Alright, if you need anything, just yell ok?" I said.

"Ok!" They said in unison.

They were both very comfortablely lying on my bed. I went to the beside side table where I keep the baby monitor. I put one in my room and took one with.

This way I will be reassured.

"I'm right downstairs ok!" I said walking towards them.

"Now where is my kiss?" I asked teasingly.

They both kissed my cheek and I kissed theirs.

I made my way out of my room and walked downstairs. I was bare foot so the floor was cold under my feet.

I walked to the kitchen.

"Woo! Now I have to decide on what to make for dinner." I said to myself. I walked to the fridge and opened it. "Hmm. I really don't want to do anything complex..." I looked around the fridge and found a bottle tomato sauce. "Ou! Tomato sauce! I could make pasta." I said and took the bottle out of the fridge. I turned around grinning because of my amazing idea.

My grin soon fell when I turned to see Neymar standing at the entrance of the kitchen. He was smirking. I narrowed my eyes at him partially glaring. Who am I kidding? This was full on glaring.

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