C32 Cara.

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"Abe?" I felt a nudge.

I stirred but didn't open my eyes.

"Cara, wake up." I heard.

I moaned in tiredness and in pain. My abdominal pain is getting worse.

I opened my eyes to see Ney looking down on me. "It hurts." I whimpered.

I felt tears come to my eyes and I sniffled onto his chest. I hugged him tightly.

"Amor, it's going to be fine. It's time for your surgery soon." He said softly while rubbing circles on my back.

He detached himself from me and covered me with the blanket to keep me warm.

"There's someone here to see you." He said.

I opened my eyes to see my quiet little baby come in, in the arms of Rafa.

I smiled. "Hi baby." I cooed.

She came beside me bed a sat Davi beside me. I caressed his cheek and weakly smiled.

"Mamà, what happened?" He asked.

"Mamà got hurt." Ney said.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Of course I am. I have my superman looking after me and protecting me, don't I?"

"Batman!" He corrected.

I laughed. "Batman."

"How are you feeling, Abby?" Rafa asked caressing my forehead.

"I want to go home." I pouted.

Davi giggled. "Mamà is a baby."

"Oh yeah? I'm a baby?" I asked.

"Yes." He giggled. "Mamà, you come to my party?"

My face dropped. His birthday was in 2 days. "Of course I will, sweetheart. How can I miss my man's birthday?"

He leaned in and gave me a kiss on my forehead. "I love you, mummy." He babbled.

I grinned. I gave him a kiss. "Mummy loves you, sweetie."

"Let's go Davi, we need to go to o vovô ea vovó have your birthday week present ready." Rafa said holding her arms out. "We'll visit mamà after the doctor sees her."

"Bye mamà!" He said getting in Rafa's arms.

"Thanks Rafa." I smiled weakly.

"Shut up, you don't need to say that. Now, have a safe surgery and we'll be waiting when you wake up." She promised.

I smiled at her as she gave me a kiss on the forehead and left.

As soon as she left all the emotions came in and I started crying.

"Querida." Ney said making his way towards me and sitting on the edge of my bed gathering me in a hug. "What's wrong?"

"I-I don't want to miss his birthday, Ney." I whined letting out another sob.

"Shh...look at me." He said. I snuggled more into his chest. "Abigail Marie Messi. Look. At. Me." He demanded.

I slowly looked up. My eyes met with his beautiful hazel-greens. "You are not missing his party. Not on my watch. If we have to, we can have it here. But you will not miss it. You will be there."

I sighed and rested my head against his chest.

Neymar POV

I saw the nurse and the doctor walk in but I signalled for them to not talk as Abe probably was feeling overwhelmed.

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