C36 Baby Monitor.

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"Okay so now that the three kids are dressed, it's now our turn." Rafa said. We were getting the boys ready in Davi's room.

"Give me a second." I quickly fixed all three kids' hair.

"Okay you three. I want no stains on these clothes. At lease until the party starts." I smiled at them.

They nodded and grinned. "Alright. Everyone on the bed." I said. They all got on the bed. "So since Davi and Milan chose the movie last time, let's let Thiago choose this time."

They nodded and looked at Thiago. "Toy Story!" He said.

I put it on for them. "Alright. Tía Rafa and I are in the other room. Behave, alright?" I said. They nodded.

I grabbed the baby monitor and led Rafa to my room.

I sat on the bed and laid back. I sighed.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Rafa asked softly.

"I'm tired." I sighed. "What time is it?"

"4:00 pm. Why?" She asked.

"Party starts at 7. That gives us a good three hours." I said to myself. "Hey, do you mind if I take an hour nap?"

She smiled at me. "Of course not." She walked to the window and closed the curtains. "I'll wake you up in an hour and then we can get dressed."

"Hmm." I got under the covers and and cuddled into the pillows.

They smelled good. Like Neymar. I think I was on his side of the bed. Neymar smelled good. Like all the time. What cologne does he use?

Eh, I'll ask him later.

I woke up groaning. Holy crap this hurt. I was groaning louder. I turned on my side to try and stop the discomfort.

"Holy crap." I groaned into the pillow.

"Abe!" I heard the door open. It was Neymar. He's the only one that calls me that.

I felt a his hand on my shoulders as he turned me around to lie on my back.

My eyes met with Neymar's concerned face. "Did you take your meds?" He asked.

I groaned.

"Abe did you take your meds this morning?" He asked again. He was sitting beside me and my head was on his lap. He was caressing my forehead.

"I don't know. I think I forgot." I said weakly.

"Abigail Marie Messi!" He scolded moving my head off his lap and gently placing it on the pillow. Oh no. He said my full name. That's worse than Abigail. "Your medication is the most important thing." He got up and walked to the bathroom. He came back with my meds. "How could you be so careless?" He scolded even more.

I frowned as he helped me it up and take the meds. He sat beside me on the bed and put his legs up.


"How did you even know?" I glared.

He pointed at the baby monitor beside the bed on my side.

"You baby monitored me!?" I glared even more. "That's low."

"Would you like to be in more pain then?" He cocked an eyebrow up challenging me to answer him.

I frowned but then pouted. "Fine. You're right. I'm sorry."

"No. Do you know how much pain you could've been in? Clearly not because you can't seem to take your meds." He scolded even more causing me to pout. "Abigail, you need to take your meds. You'll be in pain if you don't."

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