Extra Chapter

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"Ney listen!" I whined as I followed him into the kitchen.

It was a week into our stay in Brazil and we had come a month early so we can hangout and relax with our family and friends.

Davi was loving Brazil and the weather here. It's always an adventure for him.

Right now, Neymar was mad at me because I was carrying boxes and I almost fell.

I mean yes I understand that I shouldn't have been but come on. Ney was acting like it was the end of the world.

He opened the fridge and took a water bottle out. The he slammed the fridge door.

"Eh! Do not take your anger out on that fridge! What did it ever do to you?" I yelled.

He rolled his eyes and walked past me and towards the backyard.

"Ugh!" I groaned. "Ney, come on! You're overreacting. I mean-"

"Overreacting!" He stopped and yelled.

He turned to me with pissed-ness clearly depicted on his face.

"Abigail, how can you say I'm overreacting! You could've hurt yourself! This isn't even the first time this has happened. You're so careless." He scolded.

I frowned and then glared at him. "Stop yelling at me!"

"Then grow up Abigail! You're carrying a life in you!"

"You don't need to remind me! I get reminded everyday!" I glared at him. "You know with the morning sickness and the sleepiness and the bloated feelings. Oh and how could I forget, constant hormonal change!"

"Despite the fact that you are careless and not only put your life at stake but put the baby's as well!" He scolded again.

I was about say something when I heard the doorbell ring.

"Don't talk to me and don't come near me." I glared and went to the door to see who it was.

I opened it and saw mãe, senior, Rafa, Gil and Jô.

I smiled. "Olà." I moved out of the way to let them in.

Mãe and Senior hugged me and gave me a kiss on the head and Rafa, Gil and Jô gave me a hug.

"Where's Neymar?" Mãe asked.

I rolled my eyes. "I don't know."

"You guys hungry?" I asked. "I was about to make lunch."

"You okay, filha?" Mãe asked me.

"I'm fine mãe." I smiled. "Come."

I guided them to where Davi was in the backyard. I saw Neymar there as well.

"Tio Gil!" He squealed when Gil picked him up and spun him around.

I smiled and went to the kitchen to get started on lunch.

"Need help?" I heard as I opened the fridge.

I turned to see Rafa standing there with a smile.

"Sure." I said.

"So what is it now? 3 months?" She asked as I got more ingredients out.

"Almost 2 months." I smiled. "Hey what do you think? Should I go with what I'm craving or make something else?"

"Depends on what you're craving." She said.

"I really want pasta and garlic bread." I said and looked at her for a second and then smiled.

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