.36. Never done, Always wanted

677 42 11

"I see,"

Many things have happened these past few years, but this, is the most awkward moment of my life, 

"The weather is nice, don't you think Eldred?"

"It is, lady Augustus"

a dry conversation, a boring atmosphere, why did I even agree to make these two meet?

"I heard a lot about you!"

"Everyone has,"

Gosh, I need water,


Everyone has surely heard of Eldred for sure, 

It all started with rumors (like always):

"The son of the archduke?", 

"Yes! that son! the talented one!," 

"Idiot! both are talented! but we are talking about the elder,"

"I heard he managed the Role of the Archduke with ease in a mere one week! fascinating!,"

"Isn't it?," 

"Anyway! does he have a suitable partner?,"

"I doubt, and it could be a chance for us, don't you think?"

Thus, my brother had been receiving thousands and thousands of marriage proposals from foreign singles. 

But he burnt them all. 

What a waste! he should get married and bless the world with beings that look like him!

"Here you go my lady,"

"Thank you, Lila,"

I took the cup, sipping while glancing at the couple outside as well, I was giving them a little "them" time,

I was caught out of my peeking when Lila giggled a bit,

"Lila? you seem happy today,"

"Really? I just randomly thought of something that made me smile,"

"Is it? may I have the honor to know?"

"Well, just back then when you were sick, "

"I was sick? when?"

"That time in the rain, you fell unconscious for four days straight,"

"I did what now?"

"Oh! then you don't remember? sir Carsein came running calling out your name but you yelled that you didn't want to go back inside and that he'd stop with the pestering,"

I splashed the tea I was drinking, chocking on nothing as I tried to hold my blush, which I know I failed,

"What happened next?"

She posed her index finger on her cheek, leaning her head to the side, 

"After that, you passed out, he carried you to your room, Enrad allowed him to stay for when you get better, oh my, my lady he even fed you"

I was left agape, thrilled and agape,

"HE WHAT!!!"

At that scream, the couple outside turned their heads to me through the foyer, i pretended to stay calm while trying to gulp my tea,

"My lady, you're red~"

Lila, you tease!

She was calmly smiling, watching me turn red each second,


He hasn't responded to any of my letters, does he hate me now?

"Lila, hasn't Allendis sent any letters?"

"I'm sorry my lady, nothing out of the ordinary,"

shall I pay a visit?

"Why are you worried about weed head?"


I turned back, facing his blue eyes, they held so much, pride?

"The only thing you should be worried about is your health,"

"I guess you'd be the one to say that since you nursed me," I smiled innocently, enjoying the view of the red tint forming on his cheek,

frustrated, he scratched the back of his head, 

"Is that how you thank me?"

"Do you perhaps want something?"

He hesitated for a minute, debating on whether to or not say what he wanted to,

"Sir Carsein, I won't know if you don't-"

"Stop using honorifics!"


"From now, speak comfortably with me,"


That was one awkward moment before he left,

"My lady, I think sir Carsein likes you,"

"What, Nah! he's just like that,"

"Oh my, could it be? that you can't tell when someone likes you? Even if it's that obvious,"

"Of course I can tell when someone likes...someone..."


Did I seriously just realize that I've been single my whole life,


"It really went well!"

"he's charming, caring, handsome,..."

I feel like I'm not supposed to be hearing this, 

"I'm happy it went well then, at this rate you'll get engaged pretty soon,"

she smiled, "And it will be thanks to you if I save my brother too, thank you"

"You don't have to thank me, we support each other,"

"So how was your day~ I've been hearing things~"

I broke a sweat, "L-Like what?"

"You know very well, what I'm talking about," She wiggled her eyebrows playfully,

I can't escape her,


I stood at the balcony, watching the stars twinkle, spending some father-daughter time,

"It sure was an interesting day,"


Well, he only came when rumors about a certain red-haired boy reached his ears, a father instinct.


"Yes, Elly,"

"I want to live, a happy, long life, with everyone I love,"

"Me too," he kissed my forehead, 

Even if there's something bugging me, I'll leave It behind, 

something I've never done before,

I want Tomorrow, even the day after tomorrow, even the days after the others, to be spent like this, 

something I've always wanted to do,



Pretty reader, a comment?

[DISCONTINUED] I was reincarnated in The Abandoned Empress as a minor characterWhere stories live. Discover now