.35. Faces

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❝ know your roots. ❞

This was never part of my contract,

Getting an invite to a tea party to make connections? I was never required to do that as daughter of the count, but now, I'm doing it, as future Archduchess,

Getting engaged to a big shot, is a lot to handle,

"Do you like the tea lady Anneliss?"

"Yes, it's very much sweet, thank you for your invite, Lady Adonia,"

"My pleasure, "

All of these ladies here are the future ladies-in-waiting of the future empress, Aristia so they are good connections,

"How is his Lord Castillo?"

"Ohhh lady Anneliss, you lust be glad! getting engaged to such a wealthy man!"

This is going to be, one hell of a long afternoon.

❝ __ ❞

"Wahh!, I envy you lady Anneliss! from a mere count's daughter, to Archduchess, what luck!"

"Same, I wonder, what you lured sir Castillo with? just a hint"


"Did you use that child? the blessed one?"

"I bet she's a fake, did she bribe the priest?"

"Oh my she'd surely end up being executed, I doubt she's that foolish, don't you agree, lady Anneliss?"

"..." This bitch!

"Lady Adonia, you are being rude to the young miss,"

"Am i? i'm just curious it's all,"

"..." how dare she!

"Did I sadden the lady, my apologies it was never my intentio-"


"Oh my! the tea! are you okay!? Adonia! it was never my intention," I fake gagged,

Just who do you think you are!? 

"That was on purpose!!! you will pay for this!!!" she yelled, glaring at me from where I stood.

"I hope that in the future you'd mind your manners lady Adonia, I am future Archduchess, am i not? or are you looking down on me now?"

" ! "

I smiled, her reaction was just, satisfying, 

standing up, i glanced at her one more time, "See you soon, Lady Adonia,"

oh, we will meet soon, 

Very soon,

❝ __ ❞

The ride was lonely and silent, reaching the Estate, I was immediately greeted by the butler, 

"My lady, you have received a letter from your fiancée,"

"Leave it in my study,"

The steps echoed throughout the hallways, at a small glance, every maid flinched at the sight of me, I entered the room, The butler coming in right after me,

"It's that one?" I asked, taking a seat at my dressing chair,


It was a red envelope, so of course it's from Eldred, 

I looked at it once more, squinting my eyes in disapproval,

"Throw it,"

"As you wish,"

I took a look at myself in the mirror, touching my face lightly with a surprised expression, 

And smiled, 


"Yes my lady,"

"Don't you think, that life is cruel?" 

"It is,"

"The weak are useless so they're stepped on, the strong are admired and praised. And the jealous ones," I halted, 

clenching my hand, the finger that was touching my cheek, making a small bruise, hardly noticeable, a string of blood visible.

"The jealous ones, get punished, but is it really their fault? do you think jealousy, is bad"

"I have never experienced that kind of sentiment, my lady"

"Being Jealous, is just, wishing you had something, is it your fault that you were never born with it?"

"Not at all,"

I smiled, this is how i communicated with my butler, he never judged my statements, 

He just consided with them, 

Something even father never done,

"Any news?"

"No specific move has been spotted,"

"Perfect, you may go now, Jean"

"As you wish,"

The door closed behind him, leaving me to wait until i couldn't hear anything else, other than the cool breeze sweeping the curtains.


one book after the other,

one shelf after the other,

one glass after the other,

All down on the floor,


Lady Castillo, 

I will be the end of you!





I love you, so, will you please leave a comment?

[DISCONTINUED] I was reincarnated in The Abandoned Empress as a minor characterDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora