Chapter 10 - Evolution of the Daleks

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Evolution of the Daleks, part 2 -

A couple minutes after Jane had left them the lift came up and the group turned to it, "Doctor!"

"First floor, perfumery", he told Laszlo by his side as Tallulah ran up to him.

"I never thought I'd see you again", she hugged him.

"No stopping me."

"We've worked it out. We know what they've done. There's Dalekanium on the mast. And it's good to see you too, by thy way", Martha told the Doctor.

"Oh, come here", they hugged tightly before he let go when the lift dinged, "No, no, no. See, never waste time with a hug. Deadlock seal. I can't stop it."

"Where's it going?"

"Right down to the Daleks. And they're not going to leave us alone up here. What's the time? Where's Jane?"

"Er, eleven fifteen", Frank informed him with a glance to the clock.

"Jane went up there to remove it", Martha told him.

"Six minutes to go. Wait, what? On her own? How's she gonna do that?"

"Took a wrench and just left. She said there's only one so I can't come."

"Well, she's right about that. But she shouldn't have gone either, I have to remove it before the gamma radiation hits."

"Gammon radiation? What the heck is that?", Tallulah asked.

The Doctor went outside, "Oh that's high. That's very. Blimey, that's high."

"And Jane's even higher. That's the mast up there, look. There's three pieces of Dalekanium on the base", Martha pointed up the ladder Jane had gone up. They couldn't even see her anymore.

"Alright, I can't believe she just put herself in that danger. I've got to go up there. I'm sorry, Martha, but you've got to fight", he took the first step on the ladder as Martha nodded and the three went back inside.

When the Doctor arrived at the top Jane had almost gotten off one piece of Dalekanium and was on the last screw, "What are you doing, Jane? You shouldn't have gone up here."

"Well, I was here first so you might as well have saved yourself, too", she yelled back as she got the piece off.

The Doctor decided he wouldn't get her to leave anyway so there was no use in wasting time with arguments and got to work helping her. When they got the second piece off the Doctor dropped his sonic.

"Oh, you did not just-", Jane started as the Doctor stared after it, "Damn it."

She moved on to the next piece but the Doctor stopped her, pointing at the sky, "It's too late", he yelled, "Try not to touch anything metal."

Jane scrunched her eyebrows but got back onto the wooden scaffolding upon the Doctor's ushering hand movements. Her eyes widened when she witnessed the Doctor climbing up onto the mast hugging it.

"Have you gone entirely mad?", she yelled at him but he didn't hear her as the lightning hit and he screamed in pain.

When it was over he just dropped and fell to the side of the mast. Jane came out from her hiding spot and took his face in her hands, "Doctor?"

He didn't react and Jane started to panic, "Shit, Doctor, I don't know what to do now."

"Jane!", she heard Martha approaching who kneeled next to her and looked at the Doctor, "Doctor? Look what we found halfway down."

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