Chapter 11 - The Lazarus Experiment

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Here we go!!

The Lazarus Experiment, part 1 -

The Tardis landed and Martha grinned brightly. Jane was still leaning against the railing looking down gloomily with a suspicion about where they were.

"There we go. Perfect landing. Which isn't easy in such a tight spot", he said as Martha aimed for the door.

"You should be used to tight spots by now. Where are we?", she stood in front of the door, Jane pushed herself off of the railing.

"The end of the line. No place like it."

As Martha opened the door Jane turned to him shortly, "You don't look as happy as I thought you'd be about this."

"Why would I be happy? You don't even know what's out there."

"It's our flat. I'd suspected you were just waiting to drop us off."

His face changed from feigned indifference to a proper frown at her words.

"Then again, I did tell you to find anyone. And if I had the whole world to pick from, I wouldn't go for me either", with that statement Jane turned away and joined Martha who was standing right in front of the Tardis.

"Home", she stated sadly.

"In fact, the morning after we left, so you've only been gone about twelve hours. No time at all, really", the Doctor told them, his face not showing any emotion.

"Alright, might as well go get the mail then, I guess", she took off her coat and put it over the couch, "and take a shower."

She fished her keys out of her coat pocket and squeezed by the Tardis to get out of the door. Honestly, she didn't want to see the Tardis take off without her in it and she still had the suspicion that they were going to take off together, without her. She went down the stairs to the mailbox and opened it, waving to the next door neighbour before she returned back up the stairs.

She flicked through the few things that were in the mailbox. Ad, ad, paper, bill, ad, invitation from some Lazarus and then another. Upon reentering the flat she called out, "Hey, Martha, do you know who a Professor Lazarus is? Is that the guy Tish-?"

She stopped when her view of the living room was blocked by the Tardis. "You're still here", she pointed out.

The Doctor turned to her, "Yeah, big conspiracy to solve."

"Good", she replied, dropping her hands, still holding the mail, to her sides.

"Good?", he reassured.


"Didn't sound like it earlier."

"Well", she paused to put the mail on the coffee table, "You still haven't figured me out. And you said I was a mystery to solve. I'm at least as interested in the solution as you are."

As Martha felt like she was intruding a moment and didn't feel particularly comfortable she picked up the mail, "Hey, good for us, we're invited to Lazarus pushing that button that changes the future of humanity. And I'm allowed to bring a plus one", she handed Jane her own, still closed, invitation.

Jane took it but didn't spare it a glance as her and the Doctor were still in the middle of some odd staring contest.

"Alright then, I'll go hog the bathroom for at least a half hour", Martha excused herself, "Don't take off without me."

After Martha was off neither of them picked up the conversation. Only when they heard the water running did they snap back into reality.

"Sorry", he started, "I do actually have a theory but I don't want to find out if it's real."

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