Wake Up Calls

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Wake up calls

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Wake up calls.  They happen when we least expect them but they are sometimes what everyone needs in moments of hardships.  To remember the importance of forgiveness.  To remember your loved ones.  To remember the good times and not focus on the bad.  They help us grow as a person.  To realize our potential.

Wake up calls are something that we didn't even know we needed at the time but it was everything we needed.  They help mend broken hearts.  Help to heal all wounds.  And maybe if you're lucky, it will make you even stronger.


Derek was sitting in the waiting room when someone who was sitting next to him spoke up.

"Who are you here for?"

"What?" Derek asked a little out of it.

"I'm waiting on my wife.  Car hit her.  Can you believe that?  On the ferry.  She was run over on the ferry.  They haven't said much."

"My girlfriend and best friend were there too," Derek answered his questioned.  "I don't know how either of them are doing and I really messed up with my best friend.  I don't know what's going to happen."

"It's out of our hands.  It's up to the doctors now."

"Yeah," Derek agreed.

"What I do know is that even if you did mess up I know that there are wake up calls in our life for a reason.  What's their names?"

"Alison's my best friend and Meredith is my girlfriend."

"I'll put them in my prayers."

"Thanks," Derek smiled sadly at the person waiting on his wife.


"That is on you.  That is on you!" Addison heard Derek begin to yell and she stepped in to Ellis Grey's room.

"Derek," she called his name as she stood at the door and gave him a disapproving look as he followed her out.  

"The woman is just-"

"There is no question that there is a black hole," Addison agreed.  "But she can't help herself and she certainly can't fix Meredith."

"It's my fault," Derek said.


"Everything was happening and I wasn't there for her."

"Your human."

"She just pulled away from me," he said beginning to cry.  "And then with Alison," he shook his head.

"You think that Meredith went into the water on purpose?  What happened with Alison was shitty thing but it is not your fault.  I know you think so because of your fight but none of could have predicted this would happen."

𝘈𝘶𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘢 - 𝘔𝘢𝘳𝘬 𝘚𝘭𝘰𝘢𝘯Where stories live. Discover now