Han Solo part two

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"I don't think this looks right," George commented as he inspected the files up close.  

"Cristina is dyslexic," Lexie began.  "But she got straight A's all during med school and she has a PhD.  It's pretty amazing.  Eight letters of recommendation in her file."

"Does this look right?  Is this how it was when you found it?" He asked her, trying not to listen.

"Izzie went to college at night.  It took her six years to graduate and she volunteered as a candy striper.  Patient's wrote her letter of rec."

"We gotta get out of here before someone catches us," George told her as he was freaking out as he accidentally dropped a bowl of thumb tack's and they hurried to put them all back in.

"And Alex.  He wrote this essay to get in.  This moving, beautiful essay about how his grades weren't that good during med school because he was suffering from testicular cancer."

"Ow," George exclaimed as he bumped his head under the table.  "What?"

"He said he lost a ball," Lexie told George and he gasped.  "But I've seen him naked!  He has two tangerines, George.  Two couch potatoes.  He lied.  He's a liar!"

"Stop telling me information I don't want to know," George told Lexie."

"One point, George.  Just one point," Lexie spoke fast and upset for her best friend.  "How can they keep you back for one point?"

"Just forget about it!"

"Photographic memory," she yelled back quietly.  "I can't."


The paramedic pulled another big piece of cement off of Andrew's arm as Doctor Webber came up to talk to the group as another being pulled off his chest.

"Ready to begin," he told them.

"Wait," Andrew lifted his head up to ask Callie.  "Lola?"

"Uh, I couldn't find her," she lied through her teeth to him and she made eye contact with Alison.  That's when Alison knew and her heart broke for this young man.  She didn't want to come.  For whatever reason.  "She went to eat or something."

"Okay," Richard began to talk to Andrew.  "Now you are going to feel some pressure."

"She just didn't want to come," Andrew says in a little bit of pain.  "Right?  Lola likes to hang out with me.  Or she did.  Used to.  Before I did this," he said as Callie held his hand.  "Once she almost - there could've been a kiss but I chickened out."

"You don't need to be kissing her," Callie told him and he strongly disagreed.

"N-no, I do.  I do, I do.  My whole life is about kissing her."

"Catheter is in," Miranda told the group and Andrew.

"Guys they are on their last piece of cement," Mark told everyone as they watched and he lifted it off.

"Oh thank God.  The hard part is over," he said as he laughed awkwardly.  "The hard part is over, right?" He asked.

"Yang, get the crash cart ready," Richard told Cristina and she did.

"Alright and I've got calcium and insulin ready," Erica told the group.

"The hard part is over?" Andrew asked nervous as everyone remained quiet.

"Okay, um, there is a chance that when the nice gentlemen take off that last piece of cement there on your abdomen the toxins that have been building up underneath the concrete will rush to your heart and you'll crash.  Your heart will stop and you'll stop breathing.  But there's no need to make that face because we will restart your heart and put in a tube and will rush you back to the OR.  We are good at what we do.  Just if you see the warm, welcoming light do not go into it," Miranda tells him.

𝘈𝘶𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘢 - 𝘔𝘢𝘳𝘬 𝘚𝘭𝘰𝘢𝘯Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora