Chapter 28

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"Fear creeps at the moment when you consider yourself weak. Make your mind so strong that fear will shudder on seeing you."


"Well, change is scary, but in the world of the immortals, you might have to live through many more aeons and see loads of changes. So be prepared," Mani informed in a matter-of-fact way.

"I'm still not convinced of what I really am," I sighed.

"Only one person can answer that question. One woman who is out of bounds for us now that we are felons," Mrithun laughed.

"Maya?" I asked.

Mrithun just nodded. What else could he do? My stupid adventure and my twisted sense of revenge had landed us both in this soup. If it wasn't for me, he might have been still trying to reclaim his office instead of running away and hiding.

"If me going back to the human world can keep you safe from suspicion, then I am ready to stay quiet and inconspicuous, you know," I said dejectedly.

"Too late for that, Tora," he sighed. "I have nothing here to linger back for. No job, no honour."


"Besides," he cut me off, "I guess I need to find a new home too, and what's better than where you are?"

I blinked. Was I hearing it right? I turned to Mani. He had a big grin pasted on his face.

"Mrithun, I..." The rest of the words drowned in my throat. I couldn't speak. I stood dumbfounded.

"I don't know the name of what I feel, Tora, but there is something and I can't put the pieces together yet, but I'd love to be with you, for as much time as I could have with you, I guess," he confessed.

"So then come with me to the mortal world!" I exclaimed. "We can blend in there and stay."

Mrithun burst out laughing, his mood completely flipping from the earlier confusion. His laughter was free, free like the chirping of birds on a summer day and the beautiful peals of church bells. I looked at Mani. He was biting his lips, trying hard not to laugh.

"Baby Tora," Mrithun teased. "The immortals are also omniscient and omnipresent. We're now at the only place in heaven, hell and earth while has natural protection against spying eyes. This cave and the inhabitants in the depths of this cave are the most guarded secrets from all the realms and universes. If I go to the mortal world, I'd be caught and sentenced in seconds."

"What?" I looked around at the innocent-looking cavern. It was scary to think that the darkness hid mysteries that even the immortals don't know.

"How do you know about this place?" I asked Mrithun.

"Because here lives the ones who were not taken by Death."

"They're humans?"

"Not really." Mrithun gave a nervous smile. "Some demons, some Yakshas, Gandharvas, some illegitimate children of the Gods and the other immortal beings who are thought to be dead but aren't. They are very much alive."

"And so you brought me here." I shuddered.

"Yes," he breathed. "As long as I am here, this is a safe space for you to stay."

"And won't they search for me?"

"They can't see you in here. They can search all the realms for you," Mrithun convinced.

"Well, I guess I could stay here then..."

"Mrithun," Mani warned suddenly.

Mrithun's eyes shot up, his arms immediately rising into the air, his fingers dancing slowly as if he could sense vibrations with his fingertips. He closed his eyes, focusing on something far, far away. And suddenly they both were on either side of me, flanking me left and right. Mrithun clicked his fingers and a misty blue haze spread over us, which cleared as fast as it had come.

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