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The day after Tommy and Stella's hideaway trip, the couples competed in the 'Snog, Marry, Pie' challenge. Starting off was Ovie who snogged Molly Mae, married Stella because she was his girl's best friend, and pied Amber. Curtis followed, snogging Maura, marrying Stella for being Tommy's lady and Maura's bestie, and then pied Molly Mae. 

Michael snogged Jo, married Belle and pied Amber which led to a few incredulous glances. Greg kissed Stella on the cheek, married Amber, and pied Maura. Anton snogged Belle, married Stella and pied Molly Mae. Tommy came then, snogging Stella, marrying Maura though he mentioned he wanted to marry Stella, and pied Molly Mae. 

Next was the girls turn. Amber snogged Greg, married Ovie and pied Michael. Maura snogged Curtis, married Tommy and pied Michael. Molly Mae snogged Ovie, married Curtis, and pied Michael. Jo snogged Michael, married Curtis and pied Anton. Belle married Michael, snogged Anton, and pied Curtis. Lastly Stella snogged Tommy, married Curtis and pied Michael. 


"I've got a text!" Curtis yelled after the islanders had returned to the house to clean off and get out to the yard. "Boy's you will cooking the girls dinner tonight. Get ready to leave the villa and go to the shop."

The boys all yelled while the girls complained from their spots by the pool. "I hope your boys can carry it, Tommy can barely make pasta."

The girls hung out until the boys returned form their trip. "You girls get dressed, we're going to get cracking on with dinner." The girls didn't wait heading straight to the dressing room to get ready. When they returned to the garden, little tables had been set up for each couple to eat at. 

"Here you are my lady," Tommy pulled out Stella's chair as he handed her a glass of wine. He then ran to grab their starter. 

"Alright babe, what have you boys got."

"So we have caprese salad, easy enought I was able to actually help."

Stella laughed at the boy as they both began to nibble on their meal while talking about the pets they wanted. "What's going on over there?" Stella asked as she saw Belle getting heated with Anton. 

"Oh," Tommy looked uncomfortable. "Well I guess you would find out any way. Anton made a comment about the cashier at the shop being fit, and then he left his number with the girl."

"Oh wow," Stella was actually shocked. Anton always seemed pretty stand up so that was surprising for her. "Can I ask you something and you don't need to worry about me being upset at your answer, do you understand why that made Belle upset?"

"Oh 100%," Tommy said easily. "No question about it, they have said they're exclusive, and that Is very out of hand for him to do in that case."

"Ok, good to know," Stella grinned into her wine as Tommy got up to grab their next course. 

The couples finished their meals, and like Tommy had guessed, when Stella made it to the dressing room to get ready for bed, Belle was ranting about Anton's behavior. The girls all offered their advice before heading to bed.


"I feel like I can cut the tension with a knife," Stella murmured to Tommy while she was making them toast and he was making tea the next morning. 

"I think Anton wanted to sleep on the couch but wasn't sure if that would make it better or worse," Tommy supplied as the couple looked at Belle who was sitting at the firepit with Joanna and glaring at her partner over in the gym area. 

The two began to eat their breakfast before they were interrupted by Tommy's phone chiming. "Oi, I've got a text!"

"Islanders, today you will get to leave the villa for a private beach party. Please get ready."

The girls all yelled and headed right for the dressing room to find bathing suits and coverups. The islanders left the villa and made their way to a private beach club with drinks and cabanas. They had also been instructed to bring night wear, as their cocktail party that night was a beach club night too. 

Most of the islanders took the time to relax and soak in the new surroundings, but Belle and Anton were still arguing. During the party that night it came to a head and the couple was yelling in a corner while the rest of the islanders tried to keep out of it. 

Eventually Michael's phone rang. "I knew this was too good to be true. Guys, I've got a text."

"Islanders please gather by the cabanas immediately." The group stood around silently, before they heard a voice join them.

"Hello Islanders," Caroline Flack stood before them. "Since the last recoupling, the audience has been voting on who they believe is the most compatible. Tonight, the couple with the fewest votes, faces the possibility of being dumpled from the villa."

"In no specific order, the couples safe are," Tommy squeezed Stella and wrapped his arms around her as they waited for their host to continue on.

 "Molly Mae and Ovie."

"Greg and Amber."

"Stella and Tommy."

"And Curtis and Maura." 

"Michael and Joanna, Belle and Anton, only one of you are safe. And that final couple is,

Belle and Anton."

Stella watched on in shock as Joanna and Michael joined Caroline. "Now, tonight, only one of you will be leaving love island. Between the two of you, you must choose who will be leaving the villa, and who will be staying."

Stella gasped as she watched Joanna and Michael walk a little bit away to talk. "What do you think?" Stella whispered to Tommy as they waited for the couple to return. 

"I think Michael goes and Joanna follows," Tommy guesses. "If that were us, I would go with you In a heart beat."

"Same," she kissed his cheek quickly. "No point in being in here without you." At that point Joanna and Michael joined them. 

"Joanna, Michael, what decision have you made?"

"Michael will be staying," Joanna said with confidence as Michael refused to meet anyones eyes. 

"I think I'll be following her in a day at max," Michael tried to soothe the girl but it clearly didnt work when everyone heard her mutter under her breath "We'll see."


Hey yall, I am starting a LI 2021 book. Trying to crank out some more chapters before I start posting, but look out for it!!

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