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*Just an A/N. I want to urge anyone reading this to support the BLM movement in any way you can! It doesn't have to be monetary! Sign a petition, reach out to your elected officials! Do the right thing. Right now Black People are protesting in the streets solely for equality, and that is a cause that every American should believe in. To any of my POC readers, I hear you, I value you, I respect you, and I will support you in any way I can!!


"Good morning my loves," Molly Mae jumped on the couch as the two sleepy girls groaned. "Let's get up!"

"You sound like my mum," Stella giggled as she took off her sleeping mask. 

"I just want to be able to go and tan," the blonde pouted as the brunettes groaned and got off the couch to follow her to the dressing room. Luckily the three of them were the only ones there. 

"I can't get over the fact that Lucie is actually going after Jack?" Maura said quietly as she put on her mascara. 

"She's going to end up hurt in the end and I'll be there to say I told you so," Stella shrugged as she grabbed for her sunscreen and her water, following the girls to the pool. 

"Still like to swim huh?" Jack's voice interrupted Stella's peaceful float as he looked down at her from the pool deck. 

"Yes," Stella replied shortly as she closed her eyes again. 

"Cmon babe, just give me another chance, we were so good together!"

"Is that a joke?" Stella pushed up her sunglasses to look at him. "When we were together I cried myself to sleep more times than I can count because of the things you had said or because I thought you were with another girl, which you were. My family, the nicest and most accepting group of people on the planet, hated you. My friends all hated you. My life was horrible when we were together."

"You're being dramatic Stella," Jack tried to defend as he saw everyone watching the confrontation. 

"I'm not. You put me through hell. And finally, I am better. I did that for myself, with no one else's help. I am making something of my life, and I found a guy that actually cares for me, and not just for the Instagram followers. You are not going to come in here and ruin my life again. I won't let you." Finally, the boy got the hint and walked away as Stella replaced her sunglasses and went back to her relaxing time in the pool.


"How do you think the girls are doing?" Curtis asked Tommy as the two sat with the other boys to wait for the girls to come downstairs before making drinks. 

"You know they'll be fine," the boys chuckled as they were joined by Michael and Anton. "Do the two of you think Amber and Molly Mae are gonna crack on?" Tommy asked the boys as he and Curtis had watched them get cozy with Belle and Joanna throughout the day. 

"Yeah, I think Molly Mae will, it definitely felt like things were fizzling out before I left honestly," Anton admitted as he watched Belle making her way down the steps. 

"What about you Michael? What do you think Amber is getting up to?"

"Not too sure to be honest," Michael brushed off the question as he turned to Tommy. 

"What about you? Certain that Stella's head won't be turned?" Tommy chuckled at the guy.  

"Nah, she has already said she wouldn't be turned even if Chris Hemsworth came in and I trust her, she's as loyal as they come."


"Ovie is just such a dream," Molly Mae sighed from where she was taking off her makeup. "He is just so fit and so nice, ugh."

"Molly Mae is in loveeeee," Stella said in a sing-song voice as she changed out of her tight dress into her pajamas. 

"Shut up," the blonde blushed as her friend walked into the bathroom to brush her teeth. "Alright Lucie?" Molly greeted the other blonde. 

"Yeah doing good," Lucie responded as she moved around in the dressing room. 

"You gonna get in a cheeky spoon tonight," Molly Mae teased, but Stella knew better and tuned in as her friend was looking for some scoop for her. 

"Yeah maybe," Lucie laughed as Stella stood there in shock. Surely she and Lucie weren't the best of friends right now, but to know the girl knew what Jack had gotten up to, and was Stellas Ex and the girl still was going for him lead to a loss of respect on Stella's end. 

"Well then," Molly Mae laughed half-heartedly and steered the conversation in a different direction as Stella finished in the bathroom and waited till Lucie had walked out to join Molly Mae. 

"That is truly surprising," Stella said to the blonde as she grabbed her mic off the vanity. 

"Its ok babe, I doubt she'll bring him back! That would be so uncalled for."


That night, Tommy and Curtis were sitting on the couch where they had been sleeping when Tommy got a text out of the blue. 

"Was that your phone?" Curtis asked in astonishment as he leaned over to see Tommy's screen. 

"Tommy, check out this clip from the Main Villa today," Tommy clicked on the link and was surprised to see it was Stella.

"Do you two know each other?" The Caroline in the video asked Stella and the redhead in front of her. 

"I wish we didn't," Stella had rolled her eyes, and Tommy and Curtis could practically feel the annoyance coming from her. 

"C'mon love! I think we had a good time together," the lad tried to be cheeky but he deflated when Stella glared at him, and the video ended. 

"So, I guess that's one of her exes?" Curtis asked carefully. 

"Yep," Tommy fell back on the couch with a huff.

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