Chapter 15

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-Emiko POV-

I sat down on the stage and looked at how Tetsuya tried to shoot the ball.
We did this the last time too, when we tried to figure out how to improve.
I heard Nigo going over to someone else.

"Good boy, good boy!" said the stranger. "Don't you think he looks like you? It's just like I heard. You're not much good at anything besides passing. But who cares about that? I like your basketball. You're not wrong. You're just inexperienced. That's all. Do you want some candy?"

"No, thank you" said Tetsuya.
"Really?" said the stranger.
"And who may you be?" I asked and walked closer.

"Kiyoshi Teppei" said the stranger.
"Are you Kiyoshi-san?" asked Tetsuya.
"Um, do you want something?" I asked.

"Your boyfriend is really interesting" said Kiyoshi.
"Not my boyfriend" I said and blushed.
"Really?" he said and I looked away. "Basketball is about generalists. It's a sport for guys who can do everything. Put loosely, you'll be okay with five scorers who can pass. That doesn't always work, which is why you have positions, and sometimes teams keep a specialist as their sixth man. But I've never seen a specialist as extreme as you. It's extraordinary to specialize so thoroughly in a single thing"

He held out his hands and Tetsuya passed to Kiyoshi.
"But aren't you the one assuming that's your limit?" he asked and tried to score.
'His knees' I noticed.

"It's impressive you can view yourself so objectively and play in that way" he said. "But you may be taking it too far. We're still high schoolers. Believe in your own potential a little more. I'm just talking to myself. See you next week, Kuroko-kun, Maeda-san"
"Excuse me" said Tetsuya and Kiyoshi stepped on his candy.
"I just bought these!" shouted Kiyoshi.


The next week, Kagami finally came back to practice.
"Kagami, you bastard" said Hyuga. "You really didn't show up after that"
"Sorry" said Kagami.

"I-If you're going to apologize, just come in the first place" said Hyuga.
"Hey" Kiyoshi walked in... with his uniform on... "Let's practice"
"Good to see you, Kiyoshi" said Koganei.

"Don't give me that" said Hyuga. "Why are you wearing your uniform?!"
"I got excited about coming to practice again" said Kiyoshi.
"Are you serious?! Are you?!" said Hyuga.
"Yeah!" said Kiyoshi.

After Kiyoshi got changed into practicing clothes, he introduced himself properly.
"I've been in the hospital since last summer" he said. "Because of my surgery and rehab, I've been taking a break. Kiyoshi Teppei, 193 centimetres, 81 kilos. My position is centre. Nice to meet you"

"Teppei, you're sure you're okay now?" asked Riko.
"Yeah, I'm completely healed" said Kiyoshi. "I may have forgotten some stuff, but I didn't spend my time in the hospital doing nothing"
"Oh, did you learn something new?" asked Izuki.

"Yeah..." said Kiyoshi. "Card games. The old man sharing my room taught me"
"So?" asked Koganei.
"It's fun" said Kiyoshi.

"That's got nothing to do with basketball!" shouted Hyuga and Izuki at the same time.
"Also, one more thing" said Kiyoshi. "I'm putting my undefeated three year high school career on the line. I'm serious about doing this. My goal is, of course... where is it?"

"What?" asked Riko.
"Where's the Inter-High being held?" asked Kiyoshi.
"It changes every year, and we already lost!" said Izuki. "We've got our sights set on the Winter Cup now!"

"Where is that this year?" asked Kiyoshi.
"It's in Tokyo every year!" shouted Hyuga.
"Anyway, if you're going to climb a mountain, you've got to aim for the summit" said Kiyoshi. "But let's not forget to enjoy the scenery"
"You're weird" I said bluntly.

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