Chapter 28

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-Emiko POV-

Hyuga made all the points.
Now we were only 3 points behind.
But I was bothered... Aomine didn't take part of the set-up and he looked focussed...

Which was never a good sign...
He was smiling... and Tetsuya looked troubled as well...
'You're kidding...' I thought when I saw him get past Kagami with ease.

"Zone?" I whispered out loud. "Impossible..."
"Zone?" asked Furihata.
"It's a state of extreme focus, where all unnecessary thoughts disappear" I explained. "In that state of mind, you can use 100 percent of your potential, normally top players play at 80 percent, but in the Zone, you can play at 100 percent..."

Aomine was way too fast... no one could stop him...
"Don't give up! There are five more minutes!" shouted Hyuga. "We'll hang on, even if it kills us!"
We managed to score a little bit, but Aomine was too good...

We asked for a time-out...
"Senpai, I need a favour" said Kagami.
"Huh?" said Hyuga. "Let me go one-on-one with Aomine, sir"

"One-on-one?" asked Koganei. "Three of you couldn't stop that monster. Do you have some kind of plan?"
"No" said Kagami. "But I'll do it. I have no intention of beating the Generation of Miracles alone now. If it'd help the team win, I'd happily sit on the bench. But I have to face him alone"

"Fine" said Hyuga. "You have two minutes. You're the ace. Do what you want. In the meantime, we'll go at them with everything we have. It's all on you, Kagami"

Kagami went one-on-one with Aomine.
But the first time ended in failure.
And to make matters worse... Misdirection Overflow wasn't working as well anymore...

The ball was going out, and I saw Tetsuya grab it at the last second, making him tumble against the wall.
"Tetsuya!" I shouted and ran to him.
He was lying on the ground, I was scared, he wasn't moving.

"Tetsu!" I said and he slowly got up.
"I can't let you pull away now" said Tetsuya to Aomine. "An ace carrying his teammates' wishes cannot lose. I believe in Kagami-kun"

"Are you okay?" I asked and took his head in my hands, I quickly searched for bruises or any sign he was hurt.
"I'm okay" he said, he touched my hand and I nodded my head.
"Be careful" I whispered before he went back onto the field.

I walked back to the bench and sat down.
I looked at Kagami, and the look in his eyes sent shivers down my spine...
He managed to steal the ball from Aomine...

"You have got to be kidding me" I said. "Kagami is also in the Zone"
Seeing those two play was amazing...
No one could take their eyes off them...

The other members of the teams were unable to do anything...
"No one's scored for almost a minute" said Koganei. "What's going to happen now?"
'Not even I know...'

But then... Kagami was faster than Aomine...
"No way" I said.
40 seconds left, and only 3 points behind...

Aomine went for a shot, but Kagami blocked it completely, defeating Aomine...
Hyuga managed to score, we were only one point behind...

Aomine scored behind the board.
"Really? That's allowed?" I said out loud. "Crazy"
We had to score at least twice...

We couldn't go in overtime...
"Win, Seirin!" I heard and looked up.
"Don't give up!" it was Yukio, and the others from Kaijo.

I smiled and was grateful for them.
Tetsuya passed to Hyuga, but the Overflow had stopped working...
So Hyuga passed to Kagami.

Kagami went for a dunk, but he passed to Kiyoshi with his left hand.
"Yes!" I shouted, he finally managed his assignment from this summer.
Kiyoshi scored while also managing to make Kawamatsu foul.

We got one free shot...
"Yeah!" we all shouted.
We were one point behind, we couldn't go in overtime...
So, Kiyoshi had to miss and we had to get the rebound...

Riko held my hand, she was nervous as well...
'Please, get the ball...'
Kiyoshi shot the ball, it missed and everyone jumped for the rebound...

Kagami got it and dunked, but Aomine smashed it away.
I saw Tetsuya run and grab the ball.
"Go, Tetsuya!" I shouted and he passed the ball to Kagami.

"Go, Kagami!" we all yelled and he scored...
We... we won...

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