Chapter 29

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-Kuroko Tetsuya POV-

"Hello" I said when Kagami also came outside.
"H-How long have you been there?!" he shouted.
"A while" I said.

"Damn it. I haven't felt that in a while" said Kagami.
"Kagami-kun" I said.
"What?" he asked.

"Thank you for today" I said.
"What?! Where did that come from all of a sudden?" he asked.
"I don't know" I said and looked at the stars. "After the game ended and eating with the guys... the thought just came to me. I'm really glad I met you, Kagami-kun"

"Sheesh" he said. "You're always saying such embarrassing things"
"You think so?" I asked.
"Besides, you can't be so carefree forever" he said. "The Winter Cup is only just starting, but we've already shown everyone almost all our cards. Our future battles will only be more difficult"

"In that case, we'll have to become stronger" I said.
"Yeah" he said. "Speaking of embarrassing things, have you told Maeda yet?"
"No" I said. "I wanted to, after the game. But it wasn't the right time"

"You can't wait for the right time forever" he said and I smiled.
"I know" I said. "I'll tell her, soon"
I began to feel dizzy and my sight turned black...

-Emiko POV-

We all woke up a few hours later, Riko was totally embarrassed...
"Go to sleep as soon as you get home" said Hyuga.
"I thought I was going to die" said Izuki.

"Kagami, let me use your bathroom" said Koganei.
"Are you okay?" asked Tetsuya and I nodded.
"My head still feels a bit off" I said and he touched my shoulder. "I'll be fine in a few minutes"

I felt the ground turn beneath my feet and Tetsuya caught me before I fell on the ground.
"Okay, maybe I need to sit down for a bit longer" I said and he helped me sit down.
Suddenly we heard Koganei scream...

"Hey... what's going on?" said a female voice in English. "What's all this noise about? Hm? Oh, Taiga, you came back"
"You..." said Kagami.
"I missed you so much!" shouted the woman, who was half naked... and kissed Kagami on the lips.

'What the...'
"Hey... who the hell are you guys?" she asked.
"Who the hell are you?!" we all shouted.

"What are you doing all of a sudden" asked Kagami.
"What's the matter?" she asked. "It's nothing, isn't it?"
"Why are you here in the first place, Alex?" asked Kagami.

"Alex? Isn't that the name of your master?" asked Riko.
"That's Kagami's master?!" said the boys unbelievably.
"Ah! I've got it! So you guys are Taiga's teammates! I am Alexandra Garcia, nice to meet you!"

"Just shut it and put your pants on!"
shouted Kagami and threw her pants to her.
"Gee! Is that how you behave to your teacher?!" she asked.

After she finally put her pants on, we all sat down around the table.
"Eh... why do you..." began Koganei.
"Oh, you don't really speak English, do you?" she asked. "Japanese is fine then. I majored in it at college and Taiga taught me some too"

"It's her" said Izuki, who was going through a basketball magazine. "Alexandra Garcia. She was a college state champion. She later played in the WNBA"
"The WNBA? She's a pro?" asked Kawahara.

"I already retired though" said Alexandra. "My eyesight was ruined by an illness. Now I just coach a little club team"
"What are you doing in Japan though?" asked Riko and sat down next to her.
"Coach, don't get so close!" shouted Kagami.

"What?" asked Riko.
"Japanese girls are so cute" said Alexandra and kissed Riko on the lips.
"Don't do that to everyone!" shouted Kagami and Riko went to the other side of the room.

'Okay, I'm glad with my seat next to Tetsuya, far enough from Alexandra'
"What are you talking about?!" shouted Alexandra. "I only kiss girls and children!"
"I'm not asking about your kissing policy!" shouted Kagami.

"So, why did you come to Japan?" asked Tetsuya.
"Huh? Oh..." she was surprised to see Tetsuya behind her. "How long have you been sitting there?!"
"I was here all along" said Tetsuya.

"Seriously?" she asked. "Oh, you're that guy Taiga mentioned. I see. Taiga and Tatsuya. I came to see my two apprentices play basketball"
"By Tatsuya, do you mean...?" asked Izuki.

"That guy from Yosen you met at the street ball tournament?" asked Kawahara. "Did he learn how to play basketball from you too, Alex?"
"After I retired, I couldn't accept my reality and was acting out" said Alex. "I played on street courts to vent my frustration. One day this guy and Tatsuya asked me to take them on as apprentices out of nowhere. At first, I was reluctant. But... Before I knew it, I was playing basketball with a smile. Those two have grown up and are facing each other again here in Japan. Of course I'm curious"

"Actually, we don't know that they'll face each other yet" said Hyuga.
"What?" shouted Alex.
"On top of that, we don't have a game tomorrow, so we're just watching" said Tsuchida.
"Really?" said Alex. "I'll go with you then! Take me with you!"

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