Chapter 2 - The Introduction

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"I have an announcement to make," Aizawa declared to 1-A, "We have a new student in 1-A temporarily, please at all cost welcome her, and guide her to where ever she needs to go. After when she's done introducing herself, you may all be free."

The class erupted in a blare.

"Wow! A new student! Where is she from?"

"She's from America, but that is all I have on the information of her," Aizawa replied nonchalantly.

"Sweet," Kaminari thrusts his fist in the air, then spoke to Kirishima aloud and fantasized, "Hopefully she's a hottie!"

"Kaminari! What the hell, dude?" Kirishima looked taken aback as if he was the girl.

"Maybe he's right, Eijiro!" Sero said, pressing his luck also.

"Kaminari! Shut up for once with those 'go-to' desires!" Jirou rolled her eyes.

"Why don't all of you shut the hell up, and wait for her to actually come so I can get a break off of this shitty place?" Bakugou scolded in a riled tone.

"BAKUGOU!" the whole class practically screamed at him.

Aizawa cleared his throat for all of the class to simmer down, which almost fell immediately.

"Well, after when she's introduced," he began, "you'll all have free time, but until then, we–"

*Knock Knock Knock!*

"Here she is," Aizawa said, opening the door.

Y/N walked in shyly and stood in front of the class.

"Hi, my name is Y/N L/N, I'm from California, United States of America. It's nice to be here in Japan and meet you all."

The whole classroom bursts into noise once again, some with darting questions.

"How is it like in America?" one shouted.

"Are there any famous heroes in America?" another shouted.

"There's nothing special about her, she's just a basic American-ass chick!" Bakugou said boredly, looking at the clock.

That struck Y/N's nerve.

"And what is it to you," Y/N spat back, "at least I'm not stuck up too far in the ass to actually care what people say!"

"Want to say that again, pipsqueak?!" Bakugou lunged at his desk, shouting his threat.

"I would," Y/N began coolly, "if I'm not wasting any more precious seconds of my life talking to an egotistical, ass-hurt piece of shit-talker."

That struck Bakugou's nerve, but he said nonchalantly;

"You're all talk, but no balls," he flicked his hand dismissively, leaning back into his chair, and setting his feet up on his desk, "you barely stand a chance battling me– at anything."

"I'd like to see you try, once I'm out of here," Y/N said in a menacing tone, but it had no effect on him. Then she faced Aizawa; "Speaking of getting out of here," she began, speaking in a matter-of-fact tone, "Aren't we free for today?"

Aizawa blinked at Y/N. "Yes," he replied back, "I said to the class when you're done introducing yourself that they would be free for today." 

"Sweet! Let's get rolling!" Kaminari pumped his fist in the air, as Y/N and all the rest of the class spilled out of the classroom.

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