Important Announcement

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Hello everyone! It's been a while. Which is why I want to get this message to as many people so I'm posting this on my 2 main roleplay books and on my board. If you don't know, I have been on this account for 6 years. It started with writing and became roleplay and I'm genuinely grateful to meet a lot of you. However, as my 18th birthday rolls in. (Tomorrow.) I've noticed that I'm not as passionate as I used to be on this account. Which is why I'll be distancing my self on this account. Like I will only have 3 individual roleplays and that's about it for this account. It's nearing the time that I just leave forever from wattpad and I think it's just the best for me.

Now, why do I want to announce this. Well because I feel like it's important for me as someone who's been here so long to announce to you guys. Who've been my friends when I didn't have any. Each roleplay I've done and everyone I've met. I've loved and cared about. I'm genuinely happy roleplaying with every one of you and I hope for the best in your futures!! I do also wanna also announce that maybe just maybe. If the spark ever comes that I do wanna make I've got you brother into an actual book. But that's maybe loves. Anyway, thank you for everything! Peace out!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2021 ⏰

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