look after you

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Remus and I stumbled back into our room that night exhausted, all of our energy having been spent talking and dancing and laughing at the wedding

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Remus and I stumbled back into our room that night exhausted, all of our energy having been spent talking and dancing and laughing at the wedding.

I dropped the heels that I had taken off long ago by the door and peeled off the pink dress, changing into one of Remus's shirts and sliding under the covers. I pulled the pin out from behind my head and shook out my hair as Remus flopped down beside me, having switched into a pair of sweats.

"Maybe you were right about dancing alone," Remus breathed seriously. "You're terrible. I'm not sure I want everyone to see that."

I shoved him on the shoulder and we both started laughing as our heads fell back onto the pillows.

"I'm better at slow dancing than you are at regular dancing," I argued. Remus placed a hand over his heart offendedly.

"You didn't think my breakdancing was top tier?"

"I thought your breakdancing might actually break you."

Remus laughed again, his eyes crinkling in the corners and his mouth pushing upwards in a large smile. He tucked my hair behind my ear and his smile softened.

His fingers traced carefully along my face, trailing lightly around my ear, under my jawline, over the top of my lips, and then gently across the scar on my nose.

"Do you want to get married?" He asked, his hand falling to caress my face as his thumb moved softly over my cheek.

"To you?" I replied jokingly.

"Yes, to me!" Remus exclaimed.

"Hmm, I don't know," I said thoughtfully. "I'd have to think about it."

"Oh, you'd have to think about it, would you?" Remus asked testingly.

"No, I'm kidding," I said, my smile fading as my eyes locked onto his and my heart beat loudly in my chest. "Ask me."

"Right now?" Remus asked.


"I don't have a ring," he said.

"We have rings," I replied, lifting up my right hand and holding out my pinky.

"I don't have a speech," he said.

"No speech," I answered quietly.

"No?" He asked. I shook my head.

"Just ask."

Remus's eyes floated through mine for a moment, flickering over my face before he smiled and propped his head up on his hand, looking down at me.

"Alright," he said, clearing his throat officially. "Sydney Adella Carter, will you marry me?"

I smiled as everything washed into place. All of our fears, all of our tears, all of our promises. All of our love coursed through me perfectly, making everything seem exactly as it should.

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