this side of paradise

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"Come onnnn," I whined

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"Come onnnn," I whined. "Everyone else is already down there!"

Remus looked up at me with a large smile. In his arms he was holding James and Lily's new son, Harry, who was finally asleep after hours of crying. Remus was bouncing lightly on his toes and swaying the baby back and forth.

"I've just gotten him to sleep!" He protested. "Why are you trying to steal my moment?"

I laughed slightly and crossed through Lily and James's room, stepping over packed boxes and bags until I reached the crib where Remus and Harry were. I peered over the blanketed baby, his thick black hair already growing over his forehead after just two months, and kissed his small forehead.

"Come on, Uncle Moony," I said, kissing Remus's cheek as well. "You'll have your chance to put him to sleep again."

"That's not true," Remus said, frowning down at the baby. "He hates me."

"Aw, don't worry," I cooed, ruffling Remus's hair. "He loves Aunt Squid. I can teach you all the tricks."

Remus narrowed his eyes at me and reluctantly slipped Harry into his crib. He took my outstretched hand and his frown wiped into a smile.

"Alright," he said. "Let's go."

I threw my hands into the air, his still grasped in one of them, and cheered quietly so as not to wake up Harry. Remus and I stepped back through the empty room and carefully shut the door before walking down to meet our friends in the living room.

"YOU'RE BLOODY WRONG!" Marlene's voice yelled.

"I'M BLOODY NOT!" Retorted James's.

Remus and I looked at each other with wide eyes as we turned around the bottom of the stairs.

"Sure you wouldn't rather go sit with the baby?" Remus asked hopefully. I rolled my eyes.

"Come on, you grandpa," I said. "It's our last night before everyone moves away!"

"Okay, okay," Remus sighed, following me to a seat beside Peter.

"What are they shouting about?" I whispered to the sandy haired boy as I pulled over a bowl of crisps.

"The correct way to play UNO," Pete whispered back, his wide eyes never leaving the arguing pair.

"Squid," James said shortly, turning to face me. "Do you stack the plus two cards? Or play them separate."

I looked around at the expectant and somewhat violent group around me as I processed whether I should answer or not.

"Um, stack them?"

"THANK YOU!" James cried, throwing his hands out and facing Marlene again.

"You stack them?!" Remus asked from beside me.

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