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You sighed, running a hand through your (hair color) locks. The station was crowded, but lucky for you, you were exiting said station. After having been stuffed into the train and then trying to not have a mini-panic attack every time someone accidentally bumped into you or touched you by mistake, you made it to where you had been invited to go.

Eri had been so excited yesterday when she stopped by at lunch with Midoriya. The tiny girl handed you a little invitation she had drawn herself, but Midoriya had written the details down on the inside as Eri was still learning how to properly read and write.

Sunday was the day of the little get-together and you decided to come. Not because you felt like socializing with whoever else might be coming along, but because you didn't want to disappoint Eri. You'd be lying to say you hadn't grown fond of the tiny girl these past few weeks. She was pretty much a regular at music club now too, with many of the older kids helping her with new pieces and even showing her what they could play on their own instruments.

You only came for Eri. It was as simple as that.

You walked across the street that the station led out from and looked down once more at the address of where you were going. The weather was mild today, most likely one of the last few non-rainy or non-snowy days since winter was getting that much closer. The park that you walked towards looked to still be plenty green though.

The trees still had orange and red leaves on them, and the grass was still a nice color, not that dead and dry brown that often came from the changing of the summer into the winter. The fall was always one of your favorite times, but not when the weather started to go bad. So, you knew you had to enjoy today to the best of your abilities, less you waste a perfect fall day.

It was easy to find where you were supposed to be, seeing as kids from UA usually drew a lot of attention to themselves, whether they meant to or not. There seemed to be a good mix of them: four first years and three third years. Aizawa and Eri were also here, with Aizawa looking to be content simply sitting and reading while Eri attempted to keep up with the older kids in whatever game they were playing.

The little white haired girl paused for a moment and then jumped up and down eagerly before taking off towards you. You felt her crash into your legs and give you a big hug. Eri, as per usual, was dressed adorably. A big puffy pink jacket with a matching pair of red shoes, not to mention how the jacket and shoes showed off little cats. Her jeans looked to be simple, but the pockets had a polka-dot fabric rather than a jean fabric. Her white locks were covered by a hat, much too big on her, so you assumed one of the older kids had stuck it on her and she kept it on.

"You're here!" Eri spoke to you and you nodded.

"Well I had to come." You smiled and bent down to return her hug properly. "It's not everyday that someone invites me out for the afternoon."

Eri grabbed your hand and pulled you towards where everyone else was. You recognized all the students, each having seen you at least once in their careers at UA so far. They each waved at you and some gave an energetic greeting before you could give one to them.

"(Last Name)-sensei is here!" Eri informed them, though it was already known by now.

"Hey there, sensei!" Mirio smiled brightly. "Thanks for joining us on this cloudy day!"

"At least it's not a rainy day!" Nejire replied, voice as giddy as usual.

"If it had rained... we would have had to cancel." Amajiki spoke, and you had a feeling he would have preferred cancelling due to his usual social frights.

Passing Euphoria (Aizawa Shouta x Reader) (Commissioned Series)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora