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The following weeks were filled with genuine happiness, laughter, and comfort. Your job once again became something you loved, the music club was alive and active, and you were much more active with the staff you worked with. It seemed as if you were experiencing a wonderful high on life, and you believed so as well.

You had joked to Aizawa one afternoon that you had forgotten what it felt like to be sad or mad or depressed or any other emotion aside from happiness and contentment! Aizawa had sighed and shook his head at you. He allowed a tiny smile to grace his features however.

"Well I hope it lasts." He told you and then carried on his way to teach his next class. "Don't push yourself, even if you're in such a good mood."

You had nodded, though he could no longer see it due to his back facing you as he walked down the hallway. But you knew to listen to his advice. As happy as you were, you knew yourself and knew that should you get stressed, it could lead to that feared fall back into the dark and clouded mindset.

So, you took it easy. Or as easy as you could as the school therapist. Students seemed to be more willing to talk with your gentle positivity and kind smiles. You couldn't believe how many students you got through today in particular. Usually you'd see three in the morning and three in the afternoon, as you'd book yourself a lot of breaks. But today and for the past three days, you had been seeing five in the morning and five in the afternoon. A slight jump, but one that allowed more students who needed to talk the opportunity to do so.

You didn't even feel drained either. You felt proud of yourself for working as hard and staying as positive as you could. Happiness was back: both on your face and inside of your heart.

After four weeks of such wonderful emotions, you had made wonderful progress with Eri. She was able to play three different songs now! Sure, not the most complicated piano songs, but she was still able to play them all the same! But today, you were testing her to see if she could add a fourth memorized song to her repertoire.

"Whenever you are ready." You instructed her, watching as she warned up her fingers on the keys.

Eri always came to the music club and watched the older kids play, as well as having the ones who could play piano help her when she asked, but when the club ended, you'd stick around an extra thirty to sixty minutes to give Eri some one-on-one time.

Eri nodded and took a deep breath. She had practiced a lot and Deku and Mirio said she was perfect when she practiced in front of them last night on the child piano they and some of the other kids pinched in to get her. So, it was time for her to show (Last Name)-sensei how hard she had worked!

You watched as Eri started to gently play the first couple notes. As always she started off rather nervous, but as the flow of the song took over her mind, heart, and fingers, Eri's playing started to get more fluid.

You watched on quietly and nodded toward her every now and then when you'd catch her looking for a half second to make sure she was doing good. That reassurance she needed was always there from you and thus she continued on even further. By the time she reached the final set of notes, her confidence was flourishing.

The music stopped as the song reached its end and Eri looked at you with a nervous, yet eager face to see what you thought. You hummed and grabbed her little book of compositions and took out your stamp.

You had ended up putting together a little book of all the songs you thought would be good for Eri to learn. She'd choose what song she wanted to learn, practice it, and when she felt ready, she'd perform it for you. If she passed- you'd stamp the top blank corner of the composition with a cute little bunny.

Passing Euphoria (Aizawa Shouta x Reader) (Commissioned Series)Where stories live. Discover now