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The hard part about being an adult with a career, especially with a career that is loved as in this case, it made any and all free time very scarce already. So, trying to find a time where two adults with careers they adored and often overworked themselves both had free time... was more difficult than trying to make sure any of the teenagers they looked after were not up to anything worrying (as their students often would be doing).

You sighed as your last student before lunch closed your door. You spun around on your chair and looked at the wall behind you. It was covered in awards, degrees, and pictures along with a few personal knick-knacks. Though, while you appeared to be looking at them, your mind was elsewhere.

It had been a week since Aizawa's proposal and you had to admit you were getting a bit upset. You had no idea how excited the idea of starting a possible relationship with the tired man meant to you until it had been delayed for several days straight.

You didn't say much though, knowing that this really was more on you than anything or anyone else. Being antsy and impatient were not qualities you wanted to show, especially before a date. So, you would wait and kindly smile at Aizawa when you'd see him around. The man looked to have picked up more work, this time upping the hours he spent training and helping a boy in General Studies try to get ready to possibly join the hero course.

Aizawa, much like yourself, always put your students first. It was just how you both were as not only heroes but educators. Therefore, you didn't feel frustrated with Aizawa in the slightest. What you felt frustrated with was time. You knew eventually you'd go on your outing with Aizawa, but you just wished time would speed up a tiny bit so you could get to that point of where a date was cemented down and you could fuss about something else that would make you end up overthinking about every little detail about it.

Lucky for you, right at this moment at least, a knock came onto your door and you looked up before calling out towards the person on the other side. Once your permission to enter had been granted, the door opened and a tiny little head peeked in. Her white hair was done up in braids today and a bright smile crossed over her features when she saw you in your little office.

"(Last Name)!" Eri cried and rushed in.

She bounced eagerly by your desk and you chuckled gently. You motioned for her to come towards you and she did, walking behind your desk until she was right before you. You swooped her up, making Eri chuckle happily, and then placed her onto your lap and spun your chair around a few times until both of you were laughing, but also getting quite dizzy, quite quickly.

The chair stopped, but the laughter continued on. It took you both a few minutes, but when the laughter was finally out of both of your systems you reached your hand over Eri's head and lightly poked her nose.

"And to what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you this early in the day, Eri-hime?" You pulled on an elegant voice.

Eri titled her head to the side. "I don't know what you just said..."

You chuckled gently and nodded at her. "It's okay, I just think using a voice like that is fun, huh?"

Eri nodded eagerly and gently tried to copy the tone of voice she had just heard you speaking in. You watched her for a moment until you spoke your question towards her again, this time in the normal way of speaking.

"How did you end up here so early, Eri-chan?" You asked her and watched as she looked around your desk with wide eyes.

"Deku-kun and I are playing hide-and-seek." Eri told you, holding one of your colored pens.

Passing Euphoria (Aizawa Shouta x Reader) (Commissioned Series)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ