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It had taken two hours. But that was what happened when you tried to get to Tokyo's most central hospital from UA during rush hour on the trains. You arrived though, and were briskly walking down the hallway looking for the room that the nurse had told you where your father was.

You gulped, knowing that all four of your immediate family members would more than likely be here already. You could do it. You could get through one visit to make sure your father was okay and then could get back to the happy feeling that had been present in your heart these last few weeks.

As you neared the room, you could tell what door he was in. Not from the room number, but from your little sister. She was tapping her foot impatiently and when she spied you, she turned and let out an annoyed huff.

"What took you so long?!" She greeted you. "Daichi-nii-chan and I have been here for at least an hour and a half!"

"I'm sorry, Fumiko." You bowed to your little sister. "Coming from work to here isn't easy, especially at this time."

Fumiko sighed and crossed her arms. "Well, you made it at least. So hurry up and come in. Mom and Dad have been waiting for us all to get here."

You nodded and followed the so-called 'baby' of your family into the room. Right away you spotted your mother sitting in a chair next to your father who was laying on the patient bed. Her hand clasped into his and her eyes wide and teary. Your father looked as stoic as usual. He was never the type of man to show many emotions, hence why he never really bonded with you in comparison to your siblings.

On the other side of the bed, standing and looking over your father's vitals was your elder brother, Daichi. He wore a white lab coat, a stethoscope around his neck, and was glancing over several papers he had attached to a clipboard.

"Ah, perfect." Daichi nodded at you. "I was just about to go over father's test results. You showed up right one time, (Name)."

You nodded, feeling both of your parent's eyes on you. You ignored it though, using the fact that your brother was a respectable doctor as your excuse for not greeting your parents properly. Daichi hummed, looking over the results of all the health tests your father must have been subjected to and then gave the older man a reassuring nod.

"Well father, it looks like I have an ample amount of good news to share with you and everyone else. Then a few warnings or reminders, but I certainly wouldn't call any of it bad news." Your brother chuckled.

"Oh thank the Gods." Your mother exhaled.

"Dad is going to be okay then?!" Fumiko raised her voice, concern very present.

Daichi nodded. "So long as he follows my advice, he will be."

You watched as your brother cleared his throat in order to get everyone's attention and started in on his usual medical professional spiel. You hung back, deciding to not speak until he was done. Your mind poorly attempting to convince you it was a good idea so Daichi could talk and ease tensions and not because you already were anxious merely standing by all four after so long.

"You'll be able to get discharged on Friday. Most of your recovery will be done at home and could take up to two months for you to be feeling like your usual self. So it's a good thing you retired last year, father." Daichi lightly poked your father. "Mother, I will provide you with the proper instructions on what foods and drinks father is permitted to have and which ones he should begin to avoid. As well as an exercise regiment and the medication he'll need to be on for a while."

"We are truly blessed to have someone like you here and so knowledgeable, Daichi." Your mother rose to her feet.

She walked past you without giving you any acknowledgement and hugged your brother tightly. As your brother returned her affections, your sister shoved past you and clasped your father's hand. She looked close to tears and your father merely nodded at her, telling her he'd be fine and to not stress over him any longer.

Passing Euphoria (Aizawa Shouta x Reader) (Commissioned Series)Where stories live. Discover now