an angel and a demon²

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jaemin's confusion was only growing, but that explained the halo quite literally floating above renjun's head and the horns on jeno's. but he's only ever heard about them and read about them, never actually seeing one of each in real life. they looked like normal humans, but for the halo and horns thing.

renjun finally let go of jeno's ear, letting him rub it with a pained frown on his face. "yes, you heard that right," he says, giving jeno a brown-eyed glare before snapping his fingers, making the glowing yellow halo disappear. he turned to look at jaemin again, completely ignoring jeno. "you should probably go and don't tell anyone. please?"

jaemin made a motion as if he was zipping his mouth shut, making the angel smile. but that smile disappeared as soon as it came when jeno successfully poured milk onto the floor of the grocery store, a chuckle slipping past his lips. renjun whips around to confront him but he had stepped away. he tried to take a step forward and ended up nearly slipping on the now wet floor.

jeno laughed. "how isn't that funny?"

"because it isn't funny!" the angel snapped. instead of standing still, he attempted to move again, only to actually slip that time, landing on his bottom with an audible 'oof'. the demon roared with laughter before disappearing into thin air. jaemin didn't have to wonder for too long since jeno appeared right next to him, a smirk on his handsome face.

"hey pretty boy, come here often?" he asked with a flirtatious tone.

"not really," jaemin replied, his cheeks going red. it wasn't wrong since whenever his half-brothers and his family want to go shopping in general, he prefers to stay home so he can get his homework over with. if it's on the weekend, he'll just read books or watch tv.

renjun had gotten to his feet again, his eyes blazing with fury and he looks like he's going to explode on jeno, but before jaemin can witness that, he hears sicheng calling for him. he slips away as soon as he hears his name, returning back to aisle where his brother-in-law was. there was a frown on his face as his arms crossed across his chest.

"aiyah, don't go off and leave like that," he said sternly. "that scared me half to death. well, that's me being dramatic, but seriously though, don't go wondering off anymore without telling me. you know better."

"uh-huh," jaemin's hardly pay attention to his words as his mind went elsewhere. he wondered if jeno and renjun were still there, arguing over the spilt milk, but he can't hear their voices anymore. also, his face still felt hot; no one's ever come up to him and flirted with so boldly like that. he kind of liked it. kind of.

he doesn't mention them whatsoever to his family like renjun had asked. jaemin doubted they would believe him anyways, to be honest. seeing a real-life angel and demon in person seemed like such a far fetched idea, but it happened to him. jaemin threw away the idea that he had been seeing things because he knew for sure he wasn't. they basically stay his mind for the next few days, even helping to clean the house couldn't distract him from those thoughts. he wonders every now and then if he'll see them again somehow.

he was reading through an old book. anyone could tell how old it was because the binding was basically falling apart and the pages were yellow and even torn a little. it even appeared to have gotten wet at one point. jaemin hardly cared since it was still readable. the story was fairly interesting since it kept his focus, unlike school. now at the thought of it, jaemin has to text his friends after school about what they learned that day.

before he can do so, he gets a text from his half-brother, asking him to pick up shotaro from school and walk him home. he'd rather not and be cooped up in his room all day, but jaemin can't refuse the older. yuta then asks if he knows how to get to his nephew's school and jaemin assures him that he does before sliding off his bed to put on a jacket and get out of the house for once.

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