in even more trouble¹⁹

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"so," sicheng started, pacing back and forth in front of the couch. "yuta's at work right now. i don't usually do this, but i'm just as pissed as he probably is. let me get this straight: shotaro saw you with two other people and you randomly just disappeared on the spot with them. was that a magic show?"

jaemin wasn't exactly used to angry sicheng. the thing is: yuta is always the one who scolded him throughout his entire life so far (other than their mum), so when he got in trouble, he knew yuta would already be on him about it.

but sicheng? he just warned his half-brother was not happy and leaves it at that. now this was dong i'm-going-to-tear-you-a-new-one sicheng, not dong informing-you-that-my-husband-is-going-to-tear-you-a-new-one sicheng.

"i didn't believe my son for a second there," sicheng went on, every new word indicating his rising temper. "but i look into your room, and sure enough, you're not even there. that leads me to my question: where the hell do you be going?"

jaemin nervously played with the sleeve of his grey robes, preferring to focus on the intertwining black and white lines. he might not even believe where he says he's actually gone to twice already (third, if renjun accidentally taking him there counts), even if he did believe shotaro saw him teleport.

"i'm waiting, jaemin," sicheng said, earning his brother-in-law's attention.

"out with my friends," jaemin said quietly.

"out with friends?" sicheng said, his voice much louder than his. "who? yangyang? mark? donghyuck? jisung? yukhei? i'd think your friends have more sense than take you somewhere late at night and teleport or some shit to get there."

jaemin's never heard him curse before. "er — it wasn't one of them."

"really?" sicheng raised his eyebrows. "not even yangyang? you two went off together last time."

it felt like a good cop, bad cop scene in some sort of police movie, and sicheng was the harsh bad cop.

jaemin shook his head and sicheng just narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "alright," he nodded slowly. "now, where did you go exactly? that was never answered, jaemin."

jaemin was panicking to find an answer. sure, he can just the world of angels and demons, but sicheng, again, would never believe him. he already stretched to believe teleporting but another world?

but he was saved from answering sicheng when he heard the house phone in the kitchen start ringing. looking annoyed, jaemin's brother-in-law made his way over to answer the call.

"yes, this is his father — what happened? — oh my — i'll pick him up," sicheng then put the phone back before whipping around to say, "i have to pick up shotaro early. you're not off the hook, we'll talk later, jaemin."

with that, he pocketed his smartphone, pulled on his shoes, and left the house. jaemin waited for a few seconds on the couch before slowly heading upstairs to change out of his robes and put his sharp-tipped black along with his angel's wing flower to not mess it up.

sure, it had been nice to see the moon lake, but now he definitely realises that was a dumb idea. if only jaemin's hope of getting back before his brother and his husband returned had been fulfilled or he could've at least left the day before. but the whole 'an honour to be offered to stay' thing....

he undid his waist tie and let it fall to the flower of his bedroom before sliding the robes off his shoulders carefully and then moving to hide them both in the back of his closest. without them, he was left with an old t-shirt yuta gave him for his birthday one year and old gym shorts.

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