Chapter 20

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Okay guys I just wanna do a quick recap.
Will and Mike are dating.
The Byers,Hopper and Eleven are moving to Derry Maine.
So I know that the It franchise takes place in 1988-1989 so let's just say it takes place in 1986. Thank enjoy :)

It feels like we have been driving for hours, finally Hopper opened the door el and Will rushed in taking in the huge space it was abit dusty which didnt mind at all we climbed the large staircase to be greeted by a hallway of doors el chose the the one right by the stairs and obivously Will chose the one in the far end opposite was Hopper and Joyce's room.

"I can't believe this Wow!, El come see" El stomped in to see Will in his own bathroom."I have my own bathroom" with an amusing giggle el said" Every room has there own bathroom Will"she soon parted to her pink room.

Wills room was a light grey which he loved he would probably stick up a few painting and stuff. His thoughts where interrupted by Hoppe asking the teens to come down and help.

"Maybe I could use my powers? It is making portals I just have to think really hard" he whispered a whooshing sound formed and there was a green portal will peeled his head into it and saw the front lawn checking if is safe he threw a piece of paper. He jumped through which was an amazing rush through his body.

"I could get used to this" he said quietly to himself.

The two day approached too fast and it was school!

"Buy sweethearts enjoy your day at school"screamed Joyce while the door slammed shut.

It was a new school that el and Will walked to it was just a few blocks from Derry high.
"Did Mike call you yet?" El said breaking the silence.
"Um actually I was supposed to and I forgot so I have to today. Did max call?" He asked.
"Yup she did the first day we came silly you spoke to her to. Are you okay Will?" She said looking at Will with a confused expression.

"Just nervous new school, neighborhood , friends kinda scary."
"Awhh Willy don't worry i am always gonna be your best friend." She said hugging him.

Will and el soon parted ways to there lockers Will went to his and a boy stood into his locker digging for something.

"Hhi I'm Will" said Will looking at the boy curiously and picked a green book up and handing it to a pale more chubby boy.
"Thanks man ugh I'm so rude Ben by the way" he said sticking his hand out.

"Your new I see, where you from?" Ben said shutting his locker shut.
Before Will could answer the bell rang and classes started he walked into science first .

"Ahh we have a new student, welcome I'm Mr Thomas if you don't mind can you introduce yourself?"

Will panicked I hate when I have to do this "Hhi I'm William Byers but you can call me Will. I just moved to Derry 3 days ago from Hawkins. Um I love video games and playing D&D" Will said and slupmed into the empty desk in the front.

"Hey Will wanna hang out during lunch?" Spoke Ben
"Yea that sounds great"

Although it was a new school and new place Will couldn't stop thinking about Hawkins ,his old friends and Mike how he missed him. Deep down Will knew he doesn't have the guts to talk to Mike he might breakdown in tears.

A couple of boring and interesting lesson it was break , going to his locker he saw El talking to Ben.
" Dude you didn't tell em you have such a cool sister!" Ben said throwing his arm around Will
"Yea is she coming to sit with us?"
"Is that even a question of course the gang is gonna love you guys!" He said looking at el and Will .

"Just shut up guys your giving me a headache!" Spoke Stanley to the group of boys around him and one girl.
"But Stan we need to know which is worse being gay or having the worse disease??" Spoke a boy with big square like glasses.
"Yea Stan what Richie said" spoke Eddie a kid who has his arm in a cast.

Before Stanley could answer thank god Ben approached and introduced them to Will and El.
"Will, El this is the guys"

"But all of them aren't guys?" El spoke confusedly.
"Yes but Beverly is beautiful" Ben said as a whisper which Will did not miss.

"Hhhi I'm Bbilly"
"I'm Stanley you can call me Stan"
"I'm the trashmouth Richie"
"I'm Eddie do you guys have any illnesses you look pale"
"I'm Beverly"
"I'm Mike nice to meet you both"
"Nice to meet you all" spoke el giving a nudge to Will.
Will was staring at the boy named Richie who awfully looked alot like Mike maybe he was imagining.
"Um hi it's good to meet you" they all sat down a round table.

"Guess you don't know why we all get picked on?" Spoke Richie when a girl gave him a nasty look.
Will and el just shook there heads.
"Well we are the losers of the school aka the losers club, everyone thinks I'm a fav he said looking down. Bill has a stuttering problem, Eddie is an allergic Bubble boy, Stan is Jewish and werid, Ben is fat and is a nerd, Beverly is known as the schools slut and Mike is just bullied because his black. Oh and yea we fought a cannibal killer clown who ate Bills brother Georgie and haunted us nothing huge."
Bill gave Richie and a hard shove "Tthey didn'tt need to knnow thatt asshole."

"No no it's okay " Will spoke " we kinda have a history too in Hawkins"

"Wait you guys are from Hawkins, I have seen the newspaper recently and saw that some Starcourt mall was burnt down and hundreds of people went missing or dead" "is it true?" Said Mike.


I'm so evil lol sorry this chapter took long I couldn't come up with some stuff and was super busy❤️.
Anyway thanks so much for the support and please vote ,comment , follow. ilysm😌❤️

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