Chapter 21

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"See I told you guys this shits are lieing!"
Said Richie.

"Fuck off" el spoke which made Will's eyes go as wide as plates.
Probably learnt it from max.
"Well if you haven't interrupted me Richard toser if I say, the reason for such facts is that because Hawkins lab used to kidnapp babies, kids and use them as lab rats/ test subjects as they developed powers, illusions all sort. This girl right here( he points to el) she can open an entire dimension. I myself was trapped in an alternative universe which has the demogorgan,demodogs, the mind flayer and I don't even wanna know the rest. Being stuck in the upside down last summer I gained super powers saved half of Hawkins and gave you this bomb ass speech." Will spoke which made el smirk.

"Wwow Will that's awwesome" said Bill.
Which the rest of the gang agreed and welcomed them with the most sacred tradition ever.

"You guys need to strip right now"said Beverly unbuttoning her dress.
"What, do we have to"
"Yes you have to el" spoke Mike.

They all soon stood in the cliff in there underwear.
"See ya losers" said Beverly grabbing Els hand and jumping in.
Will still in shock he has to jump.
"Here I'll help you I was super terrified on my first time" said Stanley.

They held hands,holding their breath and jumped.
As soon as they entered the water Will felt super free. He even attacked Richie,well not attack but shove his head under water. Which felt so good

Then it hit him like a Boulder, he saw Richie without his glasses.
"Richie you look so different without your glasses". Will said pointing out which made el say" Mike?"
"Yea ?" Said Mike
"No not you Mike"she said giggling with a stunned Will.
"Fuck, I know I'm so breathtaking but you don't have to stare."
"Sorry Richie you just look alot like my friend Mike back in Hawkins." Friend will thought to himself I couldn't tell them I'm gay they would definitely leave me here in my underwear.
"Friend. Ohh Lalala " el said which wasn't helping.

"This Mike guy are you two dating?" Ben asked
"What, pfft no you guys are crazy" said Will
"Ha I knew it Eddie owes me an icecream" spoke Richie attack Eddie In a bear hug.
"Sounds like your not the only gay one,but where totally cool with it." laughed Bev

Thank god Will thought to himself.

Soon enough night fell and they departured.

As I sit there watching the clock tick it's last minutes till home time and tomorrow is Saturday that's means I can call Mike Ahh I can't wait.

"Yo Will you and El are coming over for a sleepover Tommorow right?"

"Um yea yea Beverly." Will said with a smile.

She reminded me so much of max I miss her so much.
As soon as I get home I go straight to my room and close the door dump my heavy ass school bag in the floor and stare out of the window, but I didn't realise someone was hiding behind that door....

Hi guys it's been so long sincean update I know school is so crazy ahhh! And I have writers block I know it's short but enjoy.
Anyway thanks so much for the support and please vote ,comment , follow. ilysm😌❤️

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