Chapter 1- A Soft Wildflower

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I hated the world, and all the beings that infested it.

Until that coincidental day in which she came rushing into my life, and gave this grey life of mine a sudden burst of wondrous light. That light of hers saved me, it gave me salvation, and I was able to find peace.

But from that peace she gave, grew an undeniable fear that I couldn't control. The fear of her leaving me, and then the fear of being alone.

And I made my first mistake when I let that fear get the better of me.

"Your grace, it is time to wake up,"

The thumping of someone's fist lightly tapping against my bedroom door lulled me awake from my slumber, and I woke up with a low groan, not wanting to leave the comfort of my large mattress.

"Leave me alone, Clyde," I grumbled out, throwing a pillow towards the closed double doors that were further away from my current self than I would have appreciated.

"I have some news for you, sir," He awkwardly replied.

With yet another groan, I spent a whole minute glaring at the door, until I decided to finally sit up, telling my butler to come in, which he didn't waste a beat to do.

"It better be the news of the century if it means waking me up from my sleep," I yawned.

"I have just received news that your grandfather has passed away," I paused mid-yawn, my hand falling slack against my side, and I blinked, his words echoing in my mind for a good few minutes until I finally processed it.

"I see..." I started.

"When did he pass?" I asked, sparing a glance at the old man.

"I believe the nurse said at 6 am, he went into cardiac arrest, and wouldn't revive, so they called his time of death. I apologise for your loss," He bent his head down, knowing full well that I wasn't grieving in the least.

Well, it's about time he died.

At least now, I don't have to keep updating him on my life, and the business that I inherited from him a few years ago. How many years has it been since I officially claimed the title of the Moretti family? 5 years, I think.

"Would you like me to call your tailor to come fit you for a funeral suit?" Clyde asked, making his presence known once more, and I nodded my head, getting out of bed.

And unfortunately, with the death of my grandfather, it was most likely going to be a busy day.

Before he died, my grandfather was my only living relative, everyone else had passed away, my parents being the first to get murdered in this very estate.

I grew up with a lonely life, having no one to watch over me other than Clyde, the head butler, and I don't think that really counts. But I didn't really care, all I really wanted, and still want to this day, is some excitement.

"When is the funeral?" I asked, walking over to the bathroom to wash up as a few workers walked in, heading towards my closet to get my outfit for the day ready.

"On the 10th next week... The preparations had all been made before his death was even announced," Clyde answered to which I hummed, shutting the door behind me, and walking into the large bathroom, going to the mirror, and standing in front of the sink, taking in my current unkempt appearance.

Here I stood, with light brown hair, and dark green eyes. Other than my brown hair and green eyes though, I was a man of tall stature, with pointed brows, and constantly narrowed eyes, a small scar running through the end of my left brow from the time my mother threw a bottle of wine at me when I was a child.

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