Chapter 45- The Monster That I Am

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"Don't... No! Alvise, let me go!" She screamed in my arms, reaching her arms out towards the dead detective as I dragged her away.

"Don't look at that, it'll give you nightmares," I said, moving down before grabbing her around the thighs and hoisting her up as she fell over my shoulders.

"You can't leave him there with that snake!" Her voice cracked as she screamed.

"He's already dead, and there's a worker over there that's going to get rid of the snake," I gestured to the other side of the annexe where I had the said servant wait.

"You won't get away with this! How many people do you think there are that will actually take  your dirty money!?" Quite a lot actually, it's disgusting.

"His-Enzo's partner is going to come for him,"

"Oh, him. I paid him off too. That guy's on holiday in the Maldives right now," I snorted at the fact, rolling my eyes in amusement at how hopeful she was. How could she still remain this hopeful after everything she's seen? It's baffling.

But I guess it's one of the things that I love about her.

"Why?..." She sniffed. "Why are you doing all this? That man did nothing wrong,"

"That's what you think... I saw the way he looked at you, he didn't care that you were a married woman with a child, he just wanted to sleep with you... And other than that, he was digging around too much with that nanny's death, almost exposing me. And I thought that since he loved digging for dirt on me so much, why not give him what he wants? So I did just that, literally,"

I smiled when I felt her fist hit my back, it was cute.

We entered the mansion through the conservatory at the back, and with the flick of a switch, I blinked as the brightness of the lights momentarily blinded me.

"Why isn't Evan coming out? Evan would never let you get away with this,"

"I know. Have you not seen my body which is littered with the cuts of his artwork, and everyone calls me the psychopath." I rolled my eyes at the irony.

"Well, Evan doesn't go around killing innocent people,"

"Neither do I. All the people I've killed are horrible people with unclean minds. Both the nanny, the detective, and all my other victims too, if that's what you insist on calling them,"

"You're crazy, Alvise,"

"I don't need to hear that from you too, Amore Mio. I hear it plenty from the rest of the world," I grumbled, going to sit her down on one of the seats, before going over to the water fountain and washing the drying blood of the detective off of my hands.

"And don't even think about running away from me," I spoke, not even having to turn to look at her to know that she was planning on getting away, and a smirk climbed onto my face when I heard her frustrated sigh.

"Also, I may not have specified before. But the law and your family are two different things. While the law won't believe you, the same can't be said about your family and close friends..." Finished with cleaning up, I turned to look at her, leaning against the edge of the stone fountain, revelling in the fear that sat in her violet gaze.

"I would advise you, my darling wife, to keep your lips sealed on the topic of my... insanity... Because if your family are to ever learn of my supposedly unforgivable sins, then I can't guarantee their safety,"

"You psychotic bastard!" She yelled, jumping off the chair and rushing towards me, but having seen this coming, I grabbed her hand, coiling an arm around her waist before pulling her up to my chest, smiling down at her as I always did.

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