Chapter 5- A Single Rose

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I stared as they lowered the black coffin into the ground, a few people around me shedding crocodile tears while I stood at the front, bored, and waiting for this to be over.

"I am sorry for your loss," The old man said, placing a hand on my shoulder as he wiped his tears away with a handkerchief. I faked a sad smile, nodding at him in what was supposed to be appreciation.

"Your speech was beautiful," Was it though? Like the previous one, I smiled sadly at this woman too, nodding my head as we shook hands. I honestly don't even remember what I said, I had just memorised the small note that Clyde wrote, but I've forgotten it by now.

"We're finally done," I sighed aloud to myself, glaring at the space in front of me as my driver pulled open the back door to the sleek black Mercedes-Benz, and I got in without another word, turning on the news on the backseat tv.

The only thing on the news right now was the Italian anchorwoman talking about the death of my grandfather, the previous head of the Moretti family, and then she started talking about me, and how I must have been grieving since my grandfather had been my last living relative.

Rolling my eyes, I switched the tv off without another thought and turned my head to look out the window, my head resting back against the leather seat while my eyes gazed over the streets of Rome where people could be seen getting along with their lives.

"Dante," I called my secretary who sat on the passenger seat beside the driver.

"Yes, your grace," He quickly replied.

"What would a man wear to a date?" I pretended to ignore the sound of him choking in surprise, and only continued to wait for him to stop choking so he could reply.

"Well, um... Can I ask what sort of date it is?"

"A casual dinner," I answered, thinking about the restaurant that I had gotten one of the workers to book for my date with Alina tomorrow. I don't think I've ever put so much thought into something as much as I did on that day that I was looking for a restaurant.

"Then... Casual is what I would say. A simple white shirt with black slim-fit trousers, and dress shoes, that would look perfect for a first date," I hummed at his reply, nodding to myself that it wasn't so bad. I'll get Clyde to double-check.

And so, the next evening, I stood staring at myself in the full-length mirror, Clyde stood by my bedroom door, watching as I fussed over myself, changing my wristwatch every 5 seconds, then going back to wondering which cologne to use.

"This one suits you the most, your grace," Clyde pointed out towards the Roja. I took a moment, staring at the cologne before nodding my head in agreement and spraying it on.

"Okay, I think I'm ready now," Leaning forward towards the mirror, I quickly fixed the one strand of hair that was out of place and nodded at myself, satisfied.

"Clyde, should I take my car or the driver?" I asked as we walked down the steps.

"Will you be drinking?" He asked.

"Maybe," I thought.

"Then I think it is best that you take the driver," I turned to look at the old man, then turned back to look ahead of me, walking out into the main courtyard where the Mercedes was already waiting for me at the bottom of the steps, the driver stood by the open door.

"Wish me luck, Clyde," I sighed, praying that this evening goes well.

"Mr Moretti, it is a pleasure to have you dining here today," The waitress smiled at me politely as I walked in, a single rose in my hand for none other than my beautiful date. "The madam is already here. Please, follow me," She's already here?

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