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Intrusively cutting through the serenity of the morning air, a blaring alarm sound filled up the room in which the two were soundly sleeping

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Intrusively cutting through the serenity of the morning air, a blaring alarm sound filled up the room in which the two were soundly sleeping.

It caused the girl to flinch out of her sleep, eyes drowsily opening to the darkness of the room with the highlight of the sun shimmering through the closed curtains.

Disoriented, Yeonhee's eyebrows knitted together as she rubbed at her eye before looking over her shoulder to see her boyfriend dead asleep facing the other way with his newly dyed hair messy.

Her eyes settled on the phone by his bedside table, the alarm annoyingly ringing with no intent to stop. A sleepy groan fell from her lips as she turned around and lightly nudged him.

"Mark," she tried, her voice coaxed with sleep as she fought the urge to close her eyes. Her nudge only made him shift in his sleep to on his back, pulling the covers up higher.

What even was the time?

Yeonhee could've sworn they were reading some of the funny and nice fan comments about their relationship and she didn't even remember falling asleep.

"Turn the alarm off." She nudged him with her leg but he just murmured something incoherent and she sighed harshly.
With tiresome muscles, she leant over the boy in attempts to reach his phone that was blaring on the bedside table.

The sudden weight of her body across his made him regain consciousness, the loud irritating alarm screeching through the air. All he could really see was her hair in his face as she finally turned it off.

Instead of retreating back to her original sleeping position, Yeonhee tiredly dropped her head on his chest just below his collarbone.
"It's 6." She deadpanned in utter bewilderment at the fact she was awoken so early.

He was too sleepy to reply back to her, instead his hand lazily resting on her back and the other one blindly hauling the warm covers back up over the two of them, Mark could feel himself slipping back into the comfort of sleep.

There was a few moments of silence shared between them as the urges to sleep were skyrocketing, more so because she had her arm comfortably around him that he couldn't help but feel more relaxed.

"You should get up." She said finally and he hummed, deeper sleep coaxed words spilling from his lips.
"Too tired."

"But you have to go." She reminded him, lifting her head up from the solace of his body to push his hair out of his face that caused him to sleepily peer up at her. "I can't believe it's 6am." A groan fell from her as she complained.

A soft laugh escaped him as he reached up to smoothen down her hair from being messy due to her sleep.
"Do you have work?"
"Not today." She replied and rolled over on her side to pull the covers up to her chin. "Get up though, you need to go."

Since she was facing away from him with her eyes closed, feeling the tiredness creep up on her, Yeonhee couldn't see how he was looking over at her this early in the morning with rounded sparkling eyes and a ghost of a smile.

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