dearest moon.

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DEAREST MOON.   ╱   مهتاب عزیزم

⠀⠀⠀I stand alone in the pitch darkness of one desolate night, somewhere which seemed like an abandoned street. No windows were lit up in the familiar hue of tender golden but except, a single streetlight which flickered indecisively; on and off. Feet, bare upon the rough pavement which appeared as though someone had taken a sledgehammer to the dark granite concrete, causing great cobwebs of cracks to spread. Trees swayed, waltzing ever so gracefully to the symphony of silent wind. It simply made no sense though to me. how could there possibly be no one here? alone. Isolated. stranded, it seemed I was. ⠀

⠀⠀⠀Then, in a fraction of a second, it felt as though the world was caving in. that at any moment, the already cracked concrete beneath me would further shatter and swallow me in. a veil of perpetual darkness threatening to shroud my vision. a plethora of sudden, minacious hands reaching out from an unknown abyss. Colossal waves loomed over my now cowered self. Pelting down, pulling me under; I was struggling for air. Submerging further, and further under. Onyx pigmented spheres blown out wide. Life, was slipping through the cracks of my fingers.

⠀⠀⠀Soon, the torrential waves had come to a calm. the frigid, sanguine hands slithered away. A benign radiance illuminated the forsaken street before me. as though what had happened, had never occurred. it seemed the celestial being above, had saved me from this vivid nightmare of my maliciously repressed thoughts. the majestic moon was here now, and surely, if the Sultan of the night was on my side. These potent thoughts were nothing more, but a sudden scare which would diminish as fast as they had manifested.

"So, you were there, dearest moon."

) ) are you more fond of the moon, sun, or perhaps just of the stars?

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