clipped winged angel.

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فرشته بالدار بریده شده

⠀⠀⠀if you, are someone who has been brutally broken by treacherous hands. hands which had found their way into your chest, clasping their fingers around your innocent heart. ruthless hands which have squeezed the poor organ for every drop and ounce of love in which you could offer and possessed for their thirst for love never once ceased to quench.

⠀⠀⠀if you, are someone who gave. gave every single ounce of your love to the merciless being who you had not realised just how spellbound by them you were. who you once believed was your world. the last person who could ever destroy you. break you. shatter you into pieces which you, with shaken hands had spent days upon days to gather and meld yourself together again.

⠀⠀⠀if you, are someone who has been broken several times, and yet, have continued to keep a positive outlook upon love. have let people in even when you were scared. have taken the courage to break down the walls you so carefully built. despite the cruelty you faced from heinous others, still, you continued to give love to whoever you met.

⠀⠀⠀no, you are not a fool nor pathetic for the kindness you give. you were born with a heart so pure and elysian. a heart in which the heavens with such meticulous care and affection crafted to bestow upon you. you simply care, a trait that makes one human, and that is not your fault.

⠀⠀⠀you are kind, and that is not a sin nor something to be ashamed of.

⠀⠀⠀so to you, my clipped winged angel, I say. you deserve every ounce of happiness that exists. you deserve a love deeper than any ocean upon this world.






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