the beauty within.

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THE BEAUTY WITHIN.    زیبایی در درون

To all the precious souls who fail to see, to value, and to embrace their beauty; this is for you.

⠀⠀⠀When your lips part and words roll ever so graciously from your tongue as you speak. I cannot help but find myself lost in a dazed trance, wondering to myself. how could someone speak as though fragments of the galaxy adorned with a luminous blanket of stars and orbiting planets weave within your words. Effortlessly, illustrating a trail of galactic beauty.

⠀⠀⠀However, those who surround you ignore your beautifully said vivacious words for they focus solely on your exterior. not realising the bewitching mind you possess or, the way in which you perceive the world in such a refreshingly unique way. for beauty to them is one's external appearance and body. Lust-stricken thoughts haze their minds with sinful ideas in which their filthy hands and selves could do to you; they cease to see that you are more than just a sexual object.

⠀⠀⠀You are a living, breathing creation of the very heavens who so meticulously with loving hands made you. who respired life within you. who enveloped your veins, and muscles with skin whilst taking their time upon each ethereal feature which adorns your stunning self. a celestial being like yourself deserves someone who will perceive you with eyes filled with nothing but pure, unconditional love and adoration.

⠀⠀ It doesn't matter how ethereal one might look from the outside, for if their heart is nothing but vile and stained in the colour of coal, that is not deemed as true beauty.

⠀⠀ You must understand that; It doesn't matter what skin colour you have. it doesn't matter what body shape you possess. It doesn't matter what sexuality you are. It doesn't matter what gender you identify with. It doesn't matter what ethnicity you are. for true beauty is not in our appearance but, the light blooming within your heart, inside.

⠀⠀ Just like butterflies cannot see their wings but, the world can. while you may not see nor believe it I hope slowly and yet surely, you will acknowledge your beauty, too.

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