3K 101 25

Everyone was sitting down either on the floor or on their beds, still extremely shaken up from whatever just happened. I was sitting on my bed with my knees to my chest thinking. What if I tripped, or someone pushed me, or I just accidentally moved. I would be dead right now. Is any of this even worth it? We don't even know how much money we would get if we win yet. What am I doin-

My thoughts were cut off as someone sat in the bed next to mine. I looked over to see the girl I saved earlier, the girl in the fight, the girl I saw first when I woke up, the girl I keep seeing everywhere. Number 067.

She was looking straight ahead and didn't seem like she was going to acknowledge me, so I went back to my thinking. I wonder when they are going to announce the reward, they said they would after the first gam-

My thoughts were interrupted by her again. This time from her speaking, "Thank you" I looked over at her as she took a long pause.

"For catching me, you saved me." She finished. I mean, did she think I would just let them kill her for losing her balance?

I looked back forward as I thought about what to say. I was about to ask what her name was when the loud buzzer went off. We both looked at each other before we got up and joined the others in front of the guards.

"You have all made it through the first game. Congratulations. Your moving on. I will now announce the results of the first game." Results? Just then the screen at the front lowered from 457 players to... 201 players. Just the first game, and more than half the players are dead.

"Out of 457 players, 255 were eliminated, and 202 players successfully completed the first game." Everyone gasped and looked around in fear and worry. Then some lady came up and started begging. Then multiple other people joined her on her knees too, and people started arguing with the guards about how the police will find them. Everyone rushed to the ground when a guard shot up at the ceiling.

"Consent from clause 2. A player who refuses to play will be eliminated." The guard spoke.

"Consent from clause 3." Some man said as he stood up. "If all the players agreed to stop playing, the games are allowed to end. Or am I wrong?" He finished.

"You are correct"

"So lets vote on ending this. If the majority wishes to leave this place, then everyone gets to go home, right?" The man spoke again. Maybe he's right. Maybe it's not worth it.

"All right, as you wish. We will take a vote to decide on the termination of the game." Everyone seemed extremely relieved as they sighed.

"Before we vote, let me announce the prize money for the game as previously promised." The guard takes out a remote and points it to the piggy bank still hanging from the ceiling. The lights turn off except for the spotlight on the pig, when music starts playing, and tons of won gets poured into the piggy bank. It just keeps going. Every time I think it's going to stop, more money goes in.

It finally stopped. The piggy bank about halfway full with 50,000 won. "A total of 255 players were eliminated during the first game. 100 million won is at stake per player. Therefore, 25.5 billion won of prize money has been accumulated so far." The same woman who was begging earlier asked how much money we will get if we win.

"Since there were 457 players, the total prize money is 45.7 billion won." 45.7 billion won. It'd definitely worth it. I have nothing to lose. My parents are dead, I have no family. And if I'm going to do this I need to do it right. I can't accidentally trip, I can't allow anyone to push me, and I can't get killed. I'm going to win this.

"And with that, we will now begin the voting."

There was a podium at the front with a red button with an X on it, and a green one with an O. Right above that, on the wall there was a screen that shows the votes.

Everyone went and either voted to stay, or leave. When it was number 067's turn, I watched as she pressed the green button with no hesitation and went to the other side.

When it was my turn, I walked up and hit the green button as I watched the score even out. I walked over to the other side, next to #067. We watched as hundreds of other players voted.

"Your welcome, by the way." I finally responded to her thanking me, as the last person came up to vote. The same old man who wasn't afraid during the first game. She turned to look at me as I did the same. We stared at each other until we heard the red buzzer go off, the tie breaker. Were going home.

Some people cheered while others sighed, disappointed. I saw out of the corner of my eye, her sigh as she stared at the screen.

"The majority of the players have voted to terminate the game. Therefore, this game is now terminated." The main guard announced.

"Hey! Okay, anybody who wants to go, they can go." Some guy shouted as he ran forward to the front of the group, "But let the ones who want, stay till the end, though. Half of us dies already! We cant just stop here!" Many other people came forward and started protesting... even the woman who was on her knees begging to go?

"It is truly a pity that we must say goodbye to you like this. However, we will not completely seal the door of opportunity for all of you. If the majority of you wish to participate again, then we will resume the game." We have another chance to come back.

"So, goodbye for now." The guard finished.

ooh we said a sentence to each other
(1006 words)

6 Games   One Chance   With You | Kang Sae-Byeok |Where stories live. Discover now