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"Attention. Your mealtime begins now. All players, please form a line in the center of the room."

After we woke up, we followed the intercom's instructions and made two lines in the middle of the room. Once it was my turn, I got my hard boiled egg and water. It's not that much food, but I didn't eat much before I came her anyways, so I didn't really care.

I was sitting down next to Ali and the others, eating my egg when some people up front started yelling.

"Five meals are missing, sir." I looked down at my egg and shrugged as I took another bite. Sucks for them.

"We prepared food for the exact number of players." I heard one of the guards say.

"Then where is ours? Please, sir, we need to eat!" I looked up when I heard a gun click, to see the  guard holding one to his head.

"It was prepared for the exact number." The guard said, gun still pointed at his head.

"Excuse me." A lady said, getting the guards' attention. "It was them. They... skip the line and got seconds. I saw it." She finished, pointing at player 101, 212, and three other guys.

Everyone turned their heads towards the group, when 101 said, "Hey, what's the matter, everybody? Jeez. You never seen a guy eat before, is that it? Shit." He says with food in his mouth. Nasty mother fucker.

The guy that was complaining about not getting an egg, came over to the group. "Who do you think you are? That's my food you just ate."

"Ah. So, uh, is this yours?" Player 101 says, holding up the bottle of water that belonged to the other guy. "Is your name on it? 'Cause I sure don't see anything." No one but his group laughs. "I'm sorry." He finishes as he takes a long gulp of the water.

This caused the other guy to charge at him, trying to get his water back. "Give me that. Give it back. It's mine. Give it back to me!" As they were fighting over the bottle, it fell and shattered.

"You little shit, goddamn it." 101 said as he grabbed the other guy by his jacket. "Why did you break it, you jerk? How was this, huh?" He punched the other guy in the face, making him fall to the ground.

"How come a scrawny guy like you is so greedy about food? You piece of shit!" He kicked him.

"Hey, listen up. You should learn to share." He started kicking him over and over. "Is it too hard, you dumbass?" He kept kicking him in the stomach, harder and harder. Giving him no mercy.

I looked over at Sae-Byeok as I watched her, watch the fight. "You bastard! What the hell? You shithead." She flinched whenever he kicked him again. She took a shaky deep breath when he was done. She looked genuinely scared. I don't know if it was for herself, or for the poor man getting the shit beaten out of him over some water and an egg.

"Shit." I looked back over. Player 101 was walking away from him. Leaving him on the ground. Motionless. He's.. dead?

Sang-Woo and Gi-Hun started to walk over to the man laying on the ground. After I watched him take the guys pulse. He stood up and spoke, confirming my suspicion. "He's gone."

Holy shit. That psycho just killed a guy over a goddamn fucking egg and some water.

"Uh, hello, guards. Can someone do something?" He yelled at the guards. "Hey, didn't you hear that? A person died. That man there just died. Look, that man was killed. That bastard... That bastard just killed him."

I looked over at Sae-Byeok again, "He just killed someone over there!" She looked over at me, still looking shaken up. "He just died! Can't you hear me, huh? Help us now! A man just died! We shouldn't be killing each other like this!"

We both broke eye contact when we heard the intercoms speak, "Player 271, eliminated." Then, the cash prize on the screen went up. And all of the sudden, more money was being added to the piggy bank.

It was 30 minutes until lights out. I was sitting next to Ali when Sang-Woo spoke up, "We can't fall asleep tonight, okay? Who knows what someone else might try. Look at them. It looks like their planning something." He said, looking at player 101 and his group. "If they try to attack someone, let's group together and fight them."

He patted Ali's shoulder as he reassured him. "Come to our side if anything goes wrong."

"Okay, I will." Ali responded. Sang-Woo looked at me, seeming to struggle with something before he just sighed and looked away.

"What? Think I'll join the 'other team'? Murder you in your sleep." I said, as he was avoiding looking at me. I chuckled a little before I paused, "Don't worry, I couldn't do that to Ali." Sang-Woo took a deep breath as he looked even farther away, at Gi-Hun, who was talking to the old man.

"Sorry, but you really can't go to sleep after lights-out, understand?" He said.

"Why?" The old man questioned. I zoned out as Gi-Hun began to explain how it was too dangerous to go to sleep tonight.

Instead, I was thinking about earlier. How scared Sae-Byeok looked when #101 was beating the shit out of that guy. How much fear I could see in her eyes, In her facial expression even. I heard their conversation at the beginning. They obviously knew each other before the game. What happened between the two? What did he do to her to make her so scared earlier? I clenched my jaw at the thought, as I looked over to her.

She was sitting on one of the stairs. Knees to her chest, looking deep in thought. She still seemed pretty shaken up. Or maybe I'm just making it a bigger deal in my head then it needs to be. I mean shit, I only just learned her name last night.

I looked back over the #101's group, only to see him staring directly at her.

I saw Gi-Hun looking exactly where I was. He was about to get up to talk to herm before I stood up and put my hand in front of him. Stopping him. I nodded and he slightly nodded back. With that, I went over to her.

I sat down next to her. I didn't say anything for a while. I just sat in silence with her. Not knowing what I was trying to achieve with this silence. Maybe I was trying to get her to trust me? Why do I even want her to? I don't know, but It doesn't really matter.

I finally spoke up, "Tonight." I paused as she looked over at me. "If anything happens, we have a group." I pointed to where Ali, Gi-Hun, Sang-Woo, and the old man were sitting. I then pointed to the corner of bunks over in the corner. "We will be over there."

When she looked back forward, and I didn't think she was going to respond. I started to get up. "I don't trust people." She said. "And no one in here should."

"How do you expect to get through this with no one by your side?" She looked at me for a second before looking back forward. "Would you rather put your trust in people like them?" I said, nodding my head back at player #101's group.

"Or put your trust in someone who has already saved your life once?" I stood up and turned around, about to leave. Before I decided to say one more thing. I turned to face her, my eyes meeting with hers as I said, "Think about it, Sae-Byeok."

And with that I turned back around, and walked back over to my group.

I was in bed, when the lights out countdown started.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two..."

(1363 words)

6 Games   One Chance   With You | Kang Sae-Byeok |Where stories live. Discover now