2.7K 85 56

"Attention. It is now time for breakfast. All players, please form a line in the center of the room." Was announced over the intercoms this morning. Today, they were serving some kind of pastry, and a glass of milk.

I walked over to my bunk, deciding not to eat with my new group today. Once I sat down, I opened the plastic baggie that was holding my pastry, and broke off a piece. As I stuffed the small corner into my mouth, I noticed player 067 sitting next to me.

Over the next five minutes, she hasn't touched her food. She's just staring off into the distance. Maybe she's nervous about the next game. Or maybe she's just not hungry. Or maybe I'm overthinking this. I looked around the whole room when I spotted my group I ate last breakfast with. As I was watching them talk to each other, I noticed Sang-Woo staring at something my way. I focused more, only to realize he was staring at the girl in the bunk on my right.

"He's staring at you." I stated plainly, looking down at Sang-Woo.

"hm?" She questioned, looking at my side profile.

"Him, down there." I said as I pointed to where Sang-Woo was sitting. "He has been this whole time."

"Oh." She said, looking over to where he was sat.

"Attention. The second game will begin shortly. Please follow the staff's instructions and swiftly make your way towards the game hall." The intercoms spoke again.

I met up with my group, as we followed the instructions to go to the game hall. "Anyone have any new ideas for what the game could be?" Gi-Hun asked, Ali, the old man, and I. Sang-Woo must have gone ahead at some point.

"No, I guess we will find out soon." I spoke, looking forward.

When we got outside, I looked around. It was a massive playground. Cloud wallpaper, colorful fence.

"Why the hell is this playground so huge? What's the game here?" Gi-Hun questioned out loud.

"Players, welcome to the second game. We will begin shortly." A voice over the intercom spoke.

Gi-Hun spoke again, "Hey, what do we think? Huh? Maybe that roundabout there. Jungle gym without falling? Huh?"

"Just wait." I said to him before the intercom started speaking again. "Players, before the second game begins, choose one of the four available shapes you see on the wall."

All of the sudden, I felt someone grab my wrist. "Once you have chosen your shape, please stand in front of it." They started pulling me through the crowd and to the side, away from everyone. I was too confused to do anything about it, so I just followed them.

Once we were away from the big group, I was able to read the number on the back of their jacket. 067. What the hell is she doing? She turned to face me, hand still on my wrist when she said, "I went in the vents last night," I cut her off, "You what? Are you trying to get yourself killed?" She shook her head before speaking again, "As I was saying, I saw them making honeycomb."

I just stood there, trying to think if I ever played any games with... honeycomb? "Choose triangle." She said as she finally let go of my wrist and went to go stand in the triangle line. If she's choosing triangle too, then I can trust her. I would have trusted her anyways for some reason, I don't know why.

I went to stand in the line for the triangle, a few people behind her. When I got up there, they handed me a circle, tin tray. I found an empty spot and sat down. Once I was settled I opened the tin. There was a thin piece of honeycomb, with a triangle in it. And a needle.

"The second game is sugar honeycombs. The shape you have chosen is the shape you must remove from the honeycomb." Player 067. We have both possibly saved each others' lives. Yet I still don't know her name. She's just player number 067.

"The time limit is 10 minutes. You will pass if you trip out the shape without it breaking or cracking within the limit." What did my group pick? What did Ali pick?

"With that, let the game begin." I picked up the needle and started carving into the triangle. Little by little, I started breaking off pieces. I can't imagine getting the umbrella. I would have been dead.

There was a loud gunshot, I jumped a little and looked up to see someone sliding down the massive slide. With a bullet through his brain. I didn't think it was possible, but I just got even more anxious than before.

I quickly got back to work, but then more and more sounds of gunshots rang through the space. Making it so much more difficult trying to focus.

Gunshot after gunshot. Death after death. I was still working on getting my triangle out. "Player 111, pass."

"Player 67, pass." She passed.

I broke off the last piece of my triangle when I heard, "Player 199, pass." He did it. Ali passed.

I got up and showed my triangle to the nearest guard, "Player 92, pass." I walked through the doors we cam out of. And all the way through that colorful castle, before I finally made it back to the bunk beds.

As soon as I walked through the doors, I made eye contact with her. It felt as though time had stopped for a moment. We both stared at each other. We both made it out of the second game. Thanks to each other. Finally, time caught back up with me as I heard Ali.

"You made it! Oh I am so happy for you, ma'am." He says as he walks up to me. I look back up to her, only to see her staring at the door again. Maybe she wasn't waiting for me to come back. Instead, watching to see who made it out.

"You too Ali, I'm so glad we both passed." I said as I gave him a genuine smile. I started to walk over to my bunk when I passed by Sang-Woo. "Y/N, good to see you passed, I am a little surprised." That caught me off guard.

I stopped, and turned to look him dead in the eye. "Same goes, Snag-Wee." I smirked as I heard her chuckle the slightest bit, before I continued walking to my bunk.

Once I got there I sat down. After a while, I turned to look at her. "Thank you, for the help."

"I owed it to you after the first game." She responded still looking forward. I hummed as I turned my head forward as well. We sat in silence for a while until she broke it.

"So, Snag-Wee, huh?" She said as she smirked, turning her head towards me. I did the same as I tried to hide my little chuckle.

"He gets on my nerves." I said causing her to crack a smile and look back forward.

Eventually, everyone else who passed came to the room. I just then remembered I still didn't know her name, just that she was player 067 in this sick game. So I finally built up the courage to ask her, "Player 067." I said making her look at me. "Hm?" She questioned. "I only know that you are the 67th player, I don't know your name." I spoke, turning my head to look at her. Just then, the intercom spoke. Of course.

"Attention, players. I will now announce the results of the second game." The voice continued to explain how out of the 188 players, 79 were eliminated.

Then more money got added to the piggy bank. A lot more. "The prize money accumulated this round is 7.9 billion won."

I was laying in bed. It was just past curfew, and everyone had just gotten quiet. Then I heard her speak quietly, "Sae-Byeok." I turned my body to face her. "What?" I asked. "My name, it's Sae-Byeok." Sae-Byeok. It's a beautiful name, really. And it suits her. Now I can refer to her as someone. Not a player. Not a number. Her name, Sae-Byeok.

"Y/N Y/L" I said.

like i mean dang first name basis already? i see u y/n
(1362 words)

6 Games   One Chance   With You | Kang Sae-Byeok |Where stories live. Discover now