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I woke up to loud, classical music, once again. I stayed laying down for a while, but eventually sat up because I felt someone's eyes on me. When I looked to my right, I saw her. Number 067, staring at me. When I met her eyes however, she looked away.

"You came back." I said to her, looking forward.

"I never wanted to leave." She replied simply.

I was about to ask for her name, again, but she hopped of the bed and walked away before I could. A couple of minutes later I heard talking behind my bunk. I looked behind me to see the guy who broke into my house and messed up my face, talking to 067. It seemed like a friendly conversation, but decided to continue listening because of the last 'conversation' he had with her.

"We were a good team for a while out there, huh?" Number 101 said.

"Are you actually serious? I mean, everybody out there is still looking for you." Who is this guy?

"Stop with the act. It doesn't matter how tough you are, you're not going to win in this place. Not on your own." She wont be on her own. She hasn't been on her own.

"Didn't you notice?" He said as he chuckled dryly, "Those jerks with the masks on came in and removed the beds of the people who died. One mistake out there, and yours is next." I looked around as I just now noticed that he was right, more than half the beds from the beginning are gone.

"Worry about your own ass, okay?" She retaliated.

"Don't join him. This guy's a dumb dumbass." I snickered quietly from my bunk as she continued, "He liked to pick all of his little minions' pockets just so he could fill up his own. He got bold enough one day to go after his head honcho's pockets, but now he's in here. 'Cause he was stupid and got caught." He stayed silent.

You know what people in my hometown would call you, huh? A damn revolutionary asshole." She said, making his group laugh. Except him.

"You communist little bitch, I'm gonna..." I looked back when I heard those words, to see him coming towards her. Just then that one, annoying woman. Number 212 jumped down to their level, out of nowhere. At that point I just zoned off.

When it was time for breakfast, we all lined up and got our food. Which was being served in little tin trays. Once I got my tray of food I started heading to my bed, where I planned to eat. But on my way over, a man, in a group of three other people who were sitting on the ground, called out to me.

"Oh, Hey!" He waved me over, "You should come eat with us! We need more people in our group." I stood there thinking about it for a little before I realized it might be good to have a group. I walked over to them and sat next to a guy with dark curly hair. His jacket said he was player... 199.

The man who invited me over spoke once again, "I'm Gi-Hun! Oh uh, this is..." He introduced himself and seemed to have forgotten the name of the old man sitting on his left.

"I can't quite remember my name. But hello." he said as he smiled did a little wave towards me. "Sang-Woo" He gestured, now to the man on his right. Who sighed and looked down when I looked over at him.

"And Ali Abdul" He introduced lastly, pointing to the guy sitting next to me. "Hello, very nice to meet you ma'am!" Ali spoke after he finished his bite of food he had in his mouth. Oh yeah, breakfast.

I smiled lightly at Ali and the others before I opened up my tray of food to see, an egg cooked over-easy, over some rice, and some sides. I took a bite of some rice when Gi-Hun asked, "And what is your name?"

I finished up my bite while thinking If I should tell them my name or not. There's no point in not telling them, I have nothing to hide. Also if I want to stay in this group, I need them to trust me.

"Y/N Y/L"

"That is a very pretty name you have ma'am!" Ali said to me, smiling quite excitedly.

"Thank you Ali, same to you." I smiled back.

"I'm glad we now have you in our group, Y/N." Gi-Hun said to me.

"Gi-Hun." That one guy, uhh, Snag-Wee I think it was, snapped at Gi-Hun. "Let's try to stay on the subject. How about putting your mind to what the game could be?"

"Hey. No one can figure that out. We'll find out when it's time." Gi-Hun replied, calmly.

"You know, considering the last one that we did, I think that there'll be another old game kids played, just like I used to." The old man said.

"I bet you right there. Think of all the ones they could choose." Gi-Hun agreed, listing many childhood games on his fingers, "Ddakji, Dabanggu, there's Hopscotch, Biseokchigi, and Tag, Don Katsu, Freeze Tag. And for girls, there's Gonggi, Elastics, Cat's Cradle, and..." He trailed off. "And what else?" He said thinking of more games.

"I don't know how to play those." Ali said, looking a little sad.

"You don't know any of the games I listed?" Ali shook his head.

"Hey, listen to me. All those games are easy to learn. And we'll teach them to you." Sang-Woo said.

"I will help, too" I said, placing my hand on Ali's shoulder. I saw out of the corner of my eye, Sang-Woo, slightly glaring at me.

Ali smiled, "That's much appreciated." And we all went back to eating.

I was laying down in bed, when all of the sudden I heard shouting. Making me groan and stuff the pillow in my face.

"Hey, hey, hey! Open the door, you jerks! I have to pee really bad, right now! Don't you jerks ever take a leak! Let me use the restroom! I gotta go now! Hey, just let me use the bathroom for one second. Jeez, come on! Look, It's mostly men in here, okay? Want a puddle here?" What is this bitch doing I swear someone shut her up.

"Damn it! Damn you, scumbags! I hope your ashamed. Treat us like humans, damn it! Who do you think you are? Hey, triangle. I don't need you. Get me your supervisor. Just get me that some square head guy!" Is she done.

"You may not leave this room past your given curfew." I heard one of the guards say. Unable to see which one, considering the pillow is still over my face.

"Damn it. You masked guys think you control when I'm supposed to pee, huh?" The guards shut the window.

"You freaking bastards! You don't think I'll go pee right here and now? Shit!" I sat up to see that she pulled her pants down and was squatting on the ground.

"Here I go. You all ready to hear some rain?" Please let her out.

Finally the door opened, letting that woman out, and 067, who I never realized left her bed. I finally was able to go to sleep. Ready for the next game tomorrow.

Ali is so adorable i swear, also Mi-Nyeo in that scene was so funny i swear
(1183 words)

6 Games   One Chance   With You | Kang Sae-Byeok |Where stories live. Discover now