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Amara slowly woke up under rafe's covers on his silky dark bed, the room filled with the smell of rafes cologne which filled Amara's nose, placing a small smirk on her face as she felt rafes arms around her waist to keep her close.

Amara slowly turned her neck to get a look of rafe, he was fast asleep, little soft snores filled the room, his hair was messy with bits of hair slightly on his forehead, Amara secretly liked it when rafes hair was messy.

Amara slowly removed rafes arm off her waist without waking him up. She sat on the edge of the bed for awhile thinking about what had happened the night before, she could remember every second of it, from rafes hands on her waist to his tongue in her mouth to having sex with him. Placing another smile on her face.

She slowly removed the dip off the bed by getting up slowly before tip toeing to his bathroom, his floor made a few creeks on his wooden floor making Amara turn her head back to rafe to see if he was still asleep, and that he was. With his arm still layed out on the empty part of the bed where Amara was suppose to be, instead she hoped in the shower.

Rafe was now slowly waking up, feeling that Amara was no longer in his arms and he immediately opened his eyes to make sure she actually wasn't their with him in his arms. Panic ran through his veins, he patted the empty spot in the bed with a frown and immediately throw the covers off him. He ran his fingers through his messy hair slicking it out of his face, with frustration. Rafe grabbed his phone from his bedside table and quickly went to Amara contact to text her but as he did he heard the shower turn on and the water was now hitting the floor with every drop.

Panic and anger soon left his body as he was relieved that Amara was in the shower. He started pacing around the room with his hand on his chin thinking about the events of last night, from the kegger to having sex with Amara , making him slightly smirk to himself.

Bouncing back to reality from the sound of the water hitting the bathroom tiles, he started to thinking about water slowly covering Amara naked body, water slowly going down her curves, turning him on once again even tho he couldn't see her.

Rafe was a violent and aggressive guy with everyone except Amara, he had a soft spot for the brunette and only the brunette, she brought out a different side to him a side that only Amara could bring out.

Rafe was now seated at the edge of his bed still thinking about Amara, with his knees out with his elbows on them and his hands on his head. But then slowly the bathroom door knob turned which made rafes head tilt to the bathroom door with Amara walking out in rafes shirt which was at mid thigh on the brunette being too big for her, with a towel on her arm and her long brown hair was wet falling down her shoulders, "I uh borrowed one of your shirts if that's ok" Amara spoke up, rafe walked over and placed his arms around her waist now feeling the skin to skin contact that he loved with her, he had to always be touching her like he had to make sure she was alive and their with him. "You look better in them anyway" Rafe replied back, placing a smile on Amara "I should probably go home, my parents might be worried" Amara said softly while placing her hands behind rafes neck. "I'll drive you" Rafe said before peeking the girl on her soft lips. Amara nodded softly in response while smirking.

Rafe had dropped Amara at the front of her house still in one of rafes shirts, making sure that she made it safely inside to her parents, before rafe drove off.

Rafe, topper and kelce were now hanging out walking along the freshly green cut grass. "Sarah be careful!" Rose screamed from the other side of the backyard making the trio turning their heads to rafes younger sister who was playfully walking along a platform where their were wires underneath full of electricity. "Chill out I'm a gymnast!" Sarah replied to her step mum. Topper watched carefully making sure his girlfriend wouldn't get hurt, while rafe had his black sunglasses on with a bottle in his hand that he was taking small sips out of still thinking about Amara.

Sarah suddenly fell into a boat full of wires but she knew it was disconnected so she faked died. "Sarah!" Topper screamed out with a feared face running over before Sarah opened her eyes while laughing and swinging one of the wires "it's disconnected!" Sarah replied while laughing and soon grabbing the little girls teddy bear and returning it to the girl. "You are officially her bitch" rafe said while placing his free hand on toppers shoulder. Topper slapped rafes hand from his shoulder before speaking up. "Yeah and your Amara's bitch" topper replied, laughter coming from both kelce and topper. "Speaking about Amara where did you both go last night we were looking for you everywhere at the kegger" kelce asked. Before rafe said anything he was nodding slightly with a smirk on his face "she uh she wasn't safe their okay? She stayed at mine and uh and-" Rafe replied wanting to tell them what had happened after that but soon clenching his jaw remembering that jj maybank had pointed a gun right at his amara.

Throughts now made its way through rafes head of how to get jj back, how to make him pay, no one I mean no one was allowed to hurt Amara, that's what rafe thought. "Aye man you good" topper spoke up causing rafe to zone back in "uh yea-yeah" Rafe replied while downing the rest of his drink that he held in a red cup and adjusting his sun glasses so it sat properly on his nose. "Well kelce and I are gonna go to the country club, you coming?" Topper asked with a confused face why rafe was suddenly acting so tense and out of character. "Nah man I'm just gonna chill at home" Rafe answered knowing that he was now lying to his friends, he wasn't gonna go home, he wanted to see Amara. He had been away from her for too long.

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