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Over the night, rafe kept on tossing and turning underneath his covers, thinking about Amara, wanting her in his arms as she fell asleep.

The morning light was now making its way through the dirty blondes window causing the boy to toss and turn under his cover before rubbing his eyes and slowly opening them to the empty space beside him in his bed where Amara was suppose to be.

Amara spend the long day hanging out out with Sarah and enjoying her company. "So what happened between you and rafe?" Sarah asked as she laid on her bed with her elbow bent allowing her to rest her head on her hand, with Amara right beside her in the blonde girls bed staring up at the ceiling. "I-I don't know Sarah, I just saw another side to rafe last night and I was shocked and mad that he was beating up those pogues that are half his size" Amara ranted on to Sarah before turning her body to face the blonde girl. "He's different with you Amara, it's like he has a soft spot for you and I've never seen him like that with anyone else, you know he was probably beating them up for you, he basically does every thing for you amara" Sarah responded back with full honesty, rafe was different with Amara and only Amara, he would do anything for Amara kelly.

After a long day of ranting to Sarah, they both decided to get ready for midsummers, Amara ran over too her bag that sat on the floor in the corner of Sarah's room that had her light blue dress in that would or course match with rafe's light blue suit.

The dress had two thin strings that sat on her shoulders to keep it on her body, the dress hugged her body perfectly allowing her body to show off her curves, the dress ended mid thighs on the brunette with a little slit at the bottom side of the blue dress. She grabbed appear of white high heals to go with the dress.

Amara walked to Sarah's bathroom and immediately sliding the dress onto her body, before getting ready. She kept her long wavy brown hair out so it fell off her shoulders, her lashes were now covered in mascara which really brought out her hazelnut eyes. Amara slowly walked out of the bathroom instantly receiving a gasp from the blonde girl "Amara you look stunning, no wonder why every guy wants you, holy shit mara" Sarah said out loud earning laughter from the brunette.

Amara made her way too Sarah's mirror that leaned against Sarah's wall in her room, it was now Sarah's turn to get ready in the bathroom. Amara looked at her self in the mirror for awhile finally admitting to her self that she looked hot af. The light blue colour of the dress really brought out her olive/tanned skin, she honestly wouldn't blame anyone if all the guys were all over her tonight.

The Cameron's were already at the country club of course since they are known as the royals of the obx. Amara had just entered the club her white heals clapped against the marble steps that led to the club, she softly pulled her dress down her thighs so it exposed les of her tanned thighs. Amara made her way through the club realising that the event was outside. The brunette made her way to the back doors only to be meet with a familiar brunette, kiara.

The brunette gave Amara a slight smile before letting her arm out wanting Amara to grab it so they could walk into the event together, kiara and Amara weren't exactly friends but they didn't hate each other, they've talked a few times and they actually get along really well. Amara smiled back at the brunette while linking her arm with hers.

Kiara led the girl to the event, soon everyone's heads turned and their eyes were towards the two brunettes who stood at the top of the steps at the back of the country club, Amara could feel eyes lingering all over her body, she was use too it. The only pair of eyes that caught Amara's were those familiar blue eyes, rafe's.

Rafe stared at Amara desperately not breaking eye contact anytime, until her hazelnut eyes left his blue eyes.

Amara had talked with a few kooks here and there throughout the night and tried her best to avoid the dirty blond. The brunette found herself dancing with Sarah and wheezie as the sun started to set and the sky was now a mixture of pink and orange, rafe kept his eyes on Amara the whole night making sure that no one was touching her, expect her friends, which was exceptional for rafe.

Jj was making his way through the crowd and towards the brunette, the messy blond had sneaked into the event easily as he works there. Amara spotted the messy blonde and immediately rolled her eyes. "Amara I need you to help me blend into this kook mess" jj said desperately needing the brunettes help. Amara didn't know what else to do but deciding to place her hands behind his neck "dance with me, you'll blend in just fine" Amara responded, the messy blondes eyes widened at the idea and quickly placed his hands around her waist, both the brunette and the messy blonde swayed their hips to the rhythm of the fancy song that played along the speaker.

Rafe had been watching the brunette the whole time, and at the sight of jj hands around Amara's waist rafe instantly stood up, jaw clenching, fists tightening, anger running through his veins at the sight of jj swaying with the brunette with his hands all over her. Topper quickly snapped his head towards the dirty blonde and realising he was out of control, topper took a hold of rafes wrist "Rafe just leave it" topper said as he saw jj with Amara. Rafe ignored every word that came out of his friends mouth too focused on other mans hands on the brunettes waist, yanking his hand out of the blondes grip and making his way towards the messy blond, rafe kept his eyes on the blonde burning the stare right through him.

Rafe came up from behind the messy blond pulling him by his shoulder "what did I say pogue, about touching her" Rafe said eyeing the messy blond, jaw still clenched at the fact that another man was touching Amara "look man I just needed to blend into the kooks, so they wouldn't kick me out" jj responded freeing himself from the dirty blondes grip and stepping back from him afraid of what rafe would do, he looked out of control. Rafe scoffed at the messy blondes response "uh right you were blending into the kooks, right, you expect me to believe that line of bullshit pogue, huh? Don't fucken touch her you got that" Rafe said taking steps forward to the messy blond. "Rafe" the brunette girl finally spoke up, instantly making the dirty blonde turn his head to the girl, immediately causing his eyes to soften at the sight of the girl.

Jj took this as a chance to run off, instantly causing rafes head to turn to the messy blond pushing aside Amara softly so that the brunette wouldn't be shoved. Rafe chased after the blond with images in his head of the messy blondes hands all over Amara causing more anger to run through his veins. Amara ran after them as everyone watched the brunette brush past the crowd. Tables and chairs had been flipped over throughout the club with gasps coming from the elderly as rafe chased after jj intimidatingly.

Amara had lost the the two, now wondering around the club in search of rafe. The brunette past by the men's rest room hearing rafe's deep voice coming from inside, without hesitation the brunette opened the rest room door earning glances from guys inside the rest room. Amara trailed off to the direction where the dirty blonde voice was coming from making her way to the men's locker room and there they were. Kelce held jj in a head lock, while rafe looked like his was gonna hit the messy blonde like he was playing golf.

"Rafe stop" the brunette said eyeing the situation causing all of the boys heads to turn towards the girl. Jj smirking to himself, thankfully the brunette walked in at the right time. "Rafe I think we need to-" Amara was about to say but was cut off by a guard flickering the lights on and off cussing everyone's heads to turn to the older man in his black suit. "is there a problem in here?" The older man asked as he eyed the brunette wondering why the girl was in the men's restroom.

"No, uh actually yes there is sir, I uh these boys right here caught me, you should tie me up and escort me the hell outta here" the messy blond said while freeing himself from kelces grip, earning nods from rafe. The guard didn't waste any time before grabbing the messy blonde by his wrist, "wai-wait wait" the messy blonde said turning himself around with the guards hands gripped tightly around his wrists while turning to face the brunette girl. "You uh you look pretty, as always " the messy blond stated before giving the brunette a wink causing the girl to blush and smile in response. Rafe clenched his jaw at the words that slipped off the messy blondes lips, his fists instantly tightening, before rafe could throw himself at the messy blonde again Amara had stopped him , "Rafe we need to talk" the brunette said while grabbing ahold of his hand and linking their fingers instantly calming the dirty blond down as he stared at the skin to skin contact and then back to her hazelnut eyes. The girl led the dirty blond to his truck so they could talk in private.

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