The Wonder

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Summer lovers come with the rise of the sun and times of freedom

Awakening with the season of rebirth and miracles, 

a time of harvest and rest; opportunity and chance

Memories are made and planned for the next miracle moment of momentous marvel.

Vibrant green over rich hair and warm fractured gold on cool skin

Smiles for eyes and eyes for beauty

We remember our youth and by-gone days of cool desserts far too sweet to enjoy daily.

Time slows now- in summer.

Spring is the beginning of a year and Fall the end.

Winter is sleep.

And through all the seasons 3 we work for the summer

Hours when we can lay on the bed with abandon and cycle the Story of Our Lives by our ears as

We reflect. Let go. Sleep.

Summer lovers are therefore sweet.

This type of love is ideal;

Meeting and embracing Nature's love

Or within the ambience of Nature's own;

Embracing and meeting in Nature's love

Meeting and embracing Nature's own.

Lost Date

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