Melancholy and the Sun

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July 7th, 2022

This is the lowest

point of the week. For me.

This is the lowest point

of the mood cycle. That's what I would say if he asked, "How are you doing?".

I'd say I'm at the lowest point. Looking in the sunset over the parking lot, the overhead parking lot specifically, so that I can fantasize that I'm as tall as the tree boughs that I see

as tall as the

buildings of knowledge that we've created,

that the sky is just a little bit closer. A little bit nearer.

I can be delusional and say, "This wind is for me. This warm spring air

is for me. The soft setting sun

and silhouette of clouds are for me. I can lie to myself and say

the whole world is still with me and it's mine".

I'll be okay.

Then I'll be alright. Because at least I can say

the only way forward is up.

So I'm gonna go chase the sun. Just do my best

with the rest of the day

that I can.

That's okay.

That's enough.

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