Explaining my (Faith) Pride

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I have heard of many things

said about my King.

His older children have mixed fame:

Some cursed, some remembered in history.

I know many things about my King

Teachers, family, friends have told me of his joys-

Those resplendent glimpses of grins and laughter-

Of his rage

One that has appeared many a times for certain generations;

Of his mercy

That insanity. Even I know the risk of that trait in a royal.

But the recent elders of my time tell me that this is

The time we live in- the Era of Grace.

Their anger at us makes more sense now that I'm an adult.

Our disobedience, that ignorance, hurts Their Majesties needlessly.

No one gains.

So, yes, I have heard many tales about my King

But those foreign to our kingdom would have a hard time

Understanding our ways

Ethnocentric as they are.

I am proud of the crest I wear on my breast

As a royal child and as a woman.

I kneel willingly and comfortably in my royal dress

and courtesies

Because in those restraints I found freedom.

My spine never bent, mind you. And I smile.

Oh, I continue to smile in Their glory

And the only reason my head bows in Their glory is because I know where this heavy crown came from

With all its splendor and equal burden.

And aside from gratitude and adoration

Where is the room for cursed thoughts

Of my King Trinity?

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