A Notebook. July 26th, 2022. Writing with Woo Juho, Chapter 53

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Writing in the Park

Spring had ended. Though she was sad, she didn't cry. After all, spring always came around. Everyone knew it.

He nodded as he checked the time.

"Now, should we go see Sun Hwa?"

She stood up from the swing, and it swung on its own.

"I want to write a letter."

"So be it," he answered.

She rushed to a stationery store and bought some letter paper and a pen.

When Juho saw the heading "To Sun Hwa," he turned his eyes up to the sky.

'This is a matter between her and Sun Hwa. It'd be tactless of me to intervene any further.'

The kids in the neighborhood glanced over at Bom as she wrote her letter while squatting on the playground. She paid them no attention.

Juho took his notepad out of his pocket. He had been expecting a day like that and had known that it wouldn't be difficult for Sun Hwa and Bom to be actual friends. After all, he had met them in the Literature Club.

As he thought, he wrote down a sentence on the notepad.

"A piece of writing writes itself."


- The Great Storyteller, by 임한백 (Im Han Baeg)

All writers carry a notebook.

The good ones, at least.

It can appear in many forms- a notebook, an iPad, a notepad, a Phone Note- something accessible and mobile; ready for use at any moment. Some may say it's pretentious. Personally, I see it as a mark of pride: a sign that I have many, many, many stories to share.

But before talking about the stories however, there are the visions. The primary reason for carrying a notebook is to record moments we bore witness to- a feeling, an emotion, a thought, an experience- our triggers vary, but the results are always the same. We write. We write to remember, to refine, to explore, to design, to nurture and cultivate, to challenge, to freeze time and experience to re-experience an experience beyond time. We write to remember...and re-remember. I write to forget. And then remember. Re-experience. To remember.

How many of us read to experience? To escape?

If writers couldn't drown in their visions, in their emotions, their hate, fears, and lusting vigor, could you escape? So we're greedy. By profession, we're permitted to be the most greedy and voracious of professions. And our notebooks are our incriminating evidence of the bloodshed.

Solace (Poetry Book 3)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora