Chapter Five:

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Mickey, Mandy and Fiona have a heart to heart... Mentions of abortion..

Mickey sighs, defeated. Sure, he was beyond pissed but just tired of everything adding up. He tried to detach himself from Ian, trying to sever ties from him.. Try and live without being so dependent on him.. Now the thing in his stomach was just another thing that ties him to Ian.

Mickey couldn't help but wonder if the kid would have black or ginger hair.. Would it have freckles? It would definitely have pale skin because both he and Ian both had pale skin...-

"Mickey...? Are you okay? You've been in there for 10 minutes.." Mandy's voice traveled through the door, knocking him out of his thoughts. He shook his head, remembering where he was. He stood up and opened the door, seeing Mandy and Fiona both jumping back. He didn't look at them as he walked into the kitchen, fuming. He threw the test against the wall, frustrated.

He crossed his arms and walked to the window. His arms were wrapped around his stomach, almost hugging himself.

He heard some gasps behind him. He figured they picked up the broken test to see the +. He scoffed when he heard footsteps coming up behind him. He felt two arms wrap around him, pulling him close against his will.

He finally felt like shattered glass, only held together by the pair of arms wrapped around him. He knew it was Mandy. He let himself be held.

"Mick.... It's okay... You can cry.." He noticed then that he was shaking. He felt his cheeks wet, and noticed how clouded his eyes were. He let his head fall down. He shook his head, not wanted to believe any of this was happening. He took a shaky break before he scrubbed a hand on his face. He pulls away and turns around.

"You need to go to the doctors,Mick." Fiona cut him off, before he could say anything.
He scoffs." Yeah, with the money we don't have. You barely keep a roof over your head with four kids and we both know where my money goes."

Mandy looked confused until Fiona said." You don't need to pay for Ian's stuff... You need to start thinking about the baby. You need to go to the doctors and get yourself checked.. And stop smoking. Ian is getting out in a mouth or so and he'll be here to help."

"Who the fuck said I want his help?!" Mickey yells, throwing his arms up. "Who says I'm even going to take him back?!"

"Because we all know you love him. And he loves you..." Fiona said, placing a hand on his arm. She was surprised he didn't shake it off until a few second later.

"I have work today."

"I'll tell Kev you can't make it. Mandy can take you to the doctors. I don't care what you think, you're getting yourself and your baby checked out Mickey." Fiona said, her motherly voice coming out.

"Who the fuck says I want to keep it."

Silence hit the Gallagher house.

"Mickey... One step at a time..." Mandy said calmly." Trust me.. Abortion is going to make you feel worse then you do now.. You'll love the baby... We all know how much you love Yevgenny... Just think before you do anything like that.. But let's get you to the doctors.."

Mickey sighs and shook his head. He sighs but nodded. "Fine."

We need to work this out(IanxMickey)(Mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now