Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


"Ally, we got a call about a homicide, I have to go to the scene. Are you going to be OK?"

"Yeah, of course. Go do your job."

Erick and I had been back at my house for about an hour. As he walked around the house checking doors, windows and testing my security system, I sat staring out the window, the conversation we had earlier going round and round in my head.

"I think you need to consider that your friend might somehow be involved in this..."

We are both in law enforcement, although I'm not a homicide detective like Erik, I see the aftereffects every single day and can't believe I didn't think of this sooner.

I start to put the last few days in order as if it were not my life, as though it was a case I was working on.

Some lunatic breaks into my work, kills the only other worker in the building then attacks me as I'm running away from him. But if he was trying to kill me, why not just stab me like he stabbed Opie? Then someone breaks into my house, doesn't take any cash, jewelry, electronics... even my sleeping pills and the pain pills were still in the medicine cabinet? Did I come home too soon and catch whoever it was before they could take anything? Lastly, I don't even want to think about whoever was trying to shoot me! I know I have awful luck, but Erik is right, this is just all too coincidental.

Erik walks directly in front of me and takes my hand. "I'm calling Maria and telling her to get the spare room ready, you're coming to stay with us until I feel comfortable leaving you."

"You know I'm not going to do that. This is my house damn it, no one is going to scare me out of my own house. Besides, Maria is too sweet, she'd never say no, but she would resent you for it. And there's no way I'm putting your family at risk."

"Then I'm calling your father..."

"Don't you dare pull that 'I'm calling your father' shit on me! He has known for weeks I've been trying to get ahold of him. He's been drinking again so he's avoiding me. If you call him, I swear..." I say as I rip my hand from his grasp.

"What am I supposed to do? You called me for help but now you refuse to let me help you!"

Looking him straight in the eyes, I put every ounce of sincerity I have left into my voice, "I called you because I trust you."

Erik sits down on the sofa, his head in his hands, his elbows resting on his knees. He looks completely defeated. He looks at me and is about to say something else but his phone rings again. "Detective Nickels...I'm already on the way..."

I can hear a portion of what the man on the other end of the line is saying. "3 men dead... Riverside Arts Market... SUV..."

"Like I said I'm on the way, ETA maybe 10 minutes." He hangs the phone up for the second time and stands up.

"Erik, did they say what kind of SUV?"

"Yeah, a green Jeep. Why?"

A green Jeep with three dead bodies at the Market...It can't be the men from this morning...

"Ally? What is it?"

"There was this man following Damien and I at RAM this morning. He had sat directly beside me at one of the benches which really creeped me out and then he followed us for almost two hours while we walked around the market. Then we went to Lolita's for lunch and saw that same man again. Damien went outside and said something to him, the older man that followed me and there were two more people in the vehicle. They were in a green Jeep."

Ally's Revenge (Part 1 complete, Part 2 in progress)Where stories live. Discover now