Chapter 10

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*Picture: Google Image search of street performer at RAM (Riverside Arts Market) in Jacksonville FL *

Chapter 10


I spent half the night trying to put my bedroom back together, and the other half tossing and turning, trying to fall asleep. I do not feel safe, even with my gun under my pillow and a police officer posted in my driveway. At about 6:00 am, I give up on sleep and go downstairs. I find my K-Cups strewn amongst the rest of my pantry items that were dumped on the kitchen floor and turn on my Keurig for my morning cup of coffee.

I gulp down the coffee and decide to get out the house for a jog. I usually just use my four thousand dollar elliptical machine, but today I need the air and, more importantly, I need to get away from this mess. I run upstairs, change into my running shorts and tank top, and slip on my shoes.

On the way out the door, I see the officers kept their word and had posted a police car outside my house the entire night.

The young officer in my drive way cannot be more than 24 years old. Nevertheless, he has a badge and a patrol car so his presence has the desired effect. "Off for a jog, ma'am?"

"Yep, I'll be back in about an hour."

"Would you like an escort?"

"No, thank you though. You can leave; really, I hate to take up any more of your time. I don't think he will come back."

"How about I wait until you return, just to keep an eye on the place?"

"Yeah, sure, that's fine, thanks! I'll be back shortly." I give a little wave as I head down the driveway and onto the street. It is still early but there are a few other joggers on the road and the early bird garage sale pickers out looking for a good deal.

This is exactly what I needed this morning... fresh air and the mindless exertion of running.

I complete my four mile route in 32 minutes and decide take one more loop around the outskirt of my neighborhood, which is about another two miles. I make it back to my house exactly 45 minutes after I had left to see the police officer walking around from the back of my house.

"Something wrong officer?"

"No ma'am , just wanted to make sure you were all secured before I took off. Please remember, if you need us we are only a phone call away. You'll want to make sure your alarm company comes out and hooks your system back up, whoever disabled it was semi-professional so you'll want to make sure they give you a separate wireless back-up panel with its own battery pack. It will cost you a couple hundred dollars, but its well worth it."

"Yes sir, thank you. I already made an appointment for this afternoon." He gives me his card to add to my police report paperwork and I thank him again.

As soon as I walk back into my house, all the stress I had just ran off hits me like a ten-ton brick. Picture frames busted, lamps knocked over and broken, but even amongst all this disaster, all I can think of are blues eyes, shaggy blond hair and that devilish grin...

Should I call him or should I wait? What if he is asleep? What if he was lying and he is married or has a girlfriend?

Just do it already before you lose your nerve...

I retrieve the sleek black business card I had placed in my purse and dial the number. Ring........Ring.......Ring-

"This is Damien" he says with that sexy southern drawl.

"Hey, this is Allison Daniels...."

"Well, good morning. I almost didn't answer since I didn't recognize the number. I'm glad I did."

Ally's Revenge (Part 1 complete, Part 2 in progress)Where stories live. Discover now